
Basic Virtualbox Networking Setup for Landshark 2.X

By Adam Bowen posted 03-12-2015 11:35:36 AM

The default network adaptor, Bridge Adaptor, only works when connected to a network with DHCP. If you are sometimes using Landshark without a connection to a network you have two options "Host-Only Adaptor" and "Nat Network Adapter."

1) Bridged Adapter: This is what the default networking type is with the Landshark 2.X ova's. This setting allows the VM's to pull an IP address from the same DHCP server giving your host machine (Laptop, Server, etc) an IP address. Obviously, this is problematic if you are not connected to a network (ex. Using your laptop on a plane with no Wifi) as your VM's will be unable to grab an IP during that time.

2) Host-Only Adapter: With DHCP enabled on your host-only adapter, your machines will always get an IP address, you can connect to your machines from your host, and they can all talk to each other. All is bliss... The problem with this networking type is that your VM's cannot access the internet. One of the requirements of being able to use the 30-day trial of Delphix is that the Landshark Delphix engine has to be able to "phone home" over the internet at least once every 7 days. After this time period expires, you won't be able to do too much inside of Delphix. One way to get around this is to add a second interface to the Delphix Engine (a Bridged or Nat Network is fine) that the Delphix Engine will use to contact the internet (and also to the Linux VM's if you want them to access the internet). But, this can present many "networking challenges" to you, especially if you are not networking savvy, that are beyond the scope of this document. 

3) Nat Network Adapter (Warning: Not the same as NAT adapter): With DHCP enabled on your Nat Network adapter, your machines will always get an IP address, you can connect to your machines from your host, and they can all talk to each other, plus they can talk to the internet. Huzzah! ....But, there is a catch. In order for your host to talk to your VM's, you have to use port forwarding. Don't freak out on me here, I am going to give you some steps and screenshots to go with them.

Create a NAT Network
click menu "VirtualBox -> Preference" then "Network"
  1. In this step, leave the defaults, or specify your values for "Network Name" and "Network CIDR". Ensure "Supports DHCP" is checked. Then click OK.
  2. If you haven't already imported your Landshark VM's, do so now. Then you can change the network types of your VM's to the NAT Network you just created.
  3. Click Network

  4. Choose NAT Network from the "Attached to:" LOV box, then click OK.

  5. Repeat for each VM and then power them on (or reboot them if they were already running)
  6. If you see IP addresses on each of the console screens, then you have been successful with setting up a NAT Network
Accessing your NAT Network VM's
  1. Repeat step 1 and step 2 from the "Create a NAT Network" section
  2. Select your NAT Network from the list and click the edit button, it is the screwdriver icon
  3. Click the "Port Forwarding" button
  4. You need to add three rules, like in the image below. In your case, you will use the IP address from the screen of your VM for the Guest IP. For example, if the IP if your Linux Target VM was "", you would use that IP instead of ""

  5. These rules now allow you to connect to the VM's by pointing to that port on localhost. 
    You can't connect to your VMs with their IP. You have to connect with localhost and port number.For example, to SSH use
    ssh -p 2022 localhost
    Instead of connecting to the Delphix Engine with the Engine IP in your browser use URL

     See the following two examples:

  6. You will also need to add a similar rule, if you want to be able to access your Employee Application.
    If you provision your employee application to port 1080 on your Linux Target, an example rule could look like:
    Name: Dev WebApp, Protocol: TCP, Host IP:, Host Port: 3000, Guest IP:, Guest Port:1080

  7. Then you would access the Employee application with a URL like this in your web browser
