1) TimeflowPointTimestamp doesn't use location, it has two attributes: timeflow and timestamp.
LandsharkEngine database 'Employee DB - Dev' refresh *> set timeflowPointParameters.type=TimeflowPointTimestamp
LandsharkEngine database 'Employee DB - Dev' refresh *> ls
type: OracleRefreshParameters
credential: (unset)
type: TimeflowPointTimestamp (*)
timeflow: default (*)
timestamp: (required)
username: (unset)
2) If you want to revert to a snapshot, you probably want this:
LandsharkEngine database 'Employee DB - Dev' refresh *> set timeflowPointParameters.type=TimeflowPointSnapshot
LandsharkEngine database 'Employee DB - Dev' refresh *> ls
type: OracleRefreshParameters
credential: (unset)
type: TimeflowPointSnapshot (*)
snapshot: (required)
username: (unset)
3) Then you can easily use Tab Complete to help:
LandsharkEngine database 'Employee DB - Dev' refresh *> set timeflowPointParameters.snapshot='@2016-06-04T<press tab>
'@2016-06-04T12:01:05.165Z' '@2016-06-04T12:02:58.312Z'
'@2016-06-04T12:23:10.219Z' '@2016-06-04T12:41:54.327Z'
'@2016-06-04T12:46:08.660Z' '@2016-06-04T13:00:04.411Z'
4) If python is an option for you, I think my script would be helpful here. You can put in as much of the date as you know, and it will return a possible matches, then you can keep refining until you get the one you want. Here is a link to my blog page that talks about how to set it up, etc.