Running DBCCs against the VDBs is a great way of moving the IO demand off of the production systems. As Adam stated, if you want to create the VDB and then destroyed afterwards, you'll need to create some scripts that call the Delphix APIs.
If you don't mind the VDB being left on the system, you can run the following and modify it based on your processes or policies:
1. Create a VDB on the environment you want to run the DBCCs on
2. When configuring the VDB, enter a Post script that executes the DBCC command
3. Create a VDB Refresh policy to refresh the VDB
For my test, I entered the following for the Post script:
The "DBCC.ps1" script contains the following:
function die { "Error: $($args[0])" exit 1}function verifySuccess { if (!$?) { die "$($args[0])" }}sqlcmd -b -U sa -P password -S "tcp:WIN2012R2STD\SQL2012,49915" -q "use Delphix_Admin_Test5_vdb10; DBCC CHECKDB"VerifySuccess "sqlcmd failed to insert values"
In my script I've hard-coded the VDB name (as of version 4.0 you can use environment variables for the VDB instead). After the VDB is created the Post script will be called and a DBCC will run against the database. And when the VDB refresh policy executes, it will also call the same script once the VDB is refreshed. Here's the sql log information confirming the DBCC executed:
Date 7/11/2014 8:30:11 PMLog SQL Server (Current - 7/8/2014 11:20:00 PM)Source spid57MessageDBCC CHECKDB (Delphix_Admin_Test5_vdb10) executed by sa found 0 errors and repaired 0 errors. Elapsed time: 0 hours 0 minutes 6 seconds. Internal database snapshot has split point LSN = 0000001e:0000164e:0001 and first LSN = 0000001e:0000164c:0001.
And you can switch from calling the DBCC directly in the ps1 script and instead call a sproc, passing the VDBs name and capturing the results in a temp or table variable to process the output for any errors.