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  • 1.  Delphix API Snapsync

    Posted 06-05-2020 06:57:00 AM
    Edited by Kapil Jhunjhunwala 06-05-2020 06:58:09 AM

    Did anyone know if we can define custom label while taking snapsync for DB's using Delphix API

    Kapil Jhunjhunwala
    Delphix Community Member


  • 2.  RE: Delphix API Snapsync

    Posted 06-05-2020 07:01:00 AM

    Hi Kapil,


    As I reall, this is possible with Self Service (assigning labels, tags to Bookmarks).




    Rahim Cetinel

    Solution Architect | Delphix Blackbelt

    M:+905334112490  | Skype: rahim.cetinel


  • 3.  RE: Delphix API Snapsync

    Posted 06-05-2020 07:41:00 AM
    Hi Rahim 

    Thanks for confirmation. I want to specifically call operation using API's. Appreciate if you can share the syntax for creating lable using API call

    Kapil Jhunjhunwala
    Delphix Community Member

  • 4.  RE: Delphix API Snapsync
    Best Answer

    Posted 06-05-2020 10:14:00 AM

    Hi Kapil,


    I would suggest checking Delphix API documentation.


    Specific to your question about creating bookmarks in Self Service, this page is the exact place to start: https://docs.delphix.com/docs53/reference/web-service-api-guide/api-cookbook-common-tasks-workflows-and-examples/api-cookbook-create-a-bookmark-in-delphix-self-service




    Rahim Cetinel

    Solution Architect | Delphix Blackbelt

    M:+905334112490  | Skype: rahim.cetinel



  • 5.  RE: Delphix API Snapsync

    Posted 06-08-2020 09:27:00 AM
    We recently used Python scripts from Delphix's public Github page to automate self-service steps like Bookmark, Rewind, List Bookmarks within our Jenkins instance and in the future plan to add Refresh and Create VDB.  I call this JEDSS - Jenkins Enabled Delphix Self-Service.  We simply create the self-service features as Jenkins jobs that way our developers can run they stand-alone, schedule them, or link them into an automation pipeline.


    @Corey Brune is a wealth of knowledge about the Python scripts.

    John Creed
    Senior Director, Technology Engineering