Hi, The following list of Knowledge Base articles have been generated or significantly updated in the month of July. Please review the list for articles which affect your environments.
Oracle Snapsync Fails Due to exception.oracle.snl.file.index.notfound (KBA11152)
VDB Provision Fails with "WARNING:Expected NFS mount options: rsize>=32768,wsize>=32768,hard," when Target Is HP-UX (KBA11170)
Changing the Delphix Operating System (OS) User's Windows Active Directory Password for SQL Server Environments (KBA5834)
TB122 Command Injection Vulnerability in the Continuous Data and Continuous Compliance Engines - CVE-2024-6726
Initial Setup - Network Configuration Fails With "Management service is currently unavailable" When Applying Static Network Configuration (KBA11162)
Data Control Tower Data Collection and Basic Checks (KBA9243)
Casting Values Before Masking (KBA1580)
Algorithm v1: Special Characters in Secure Lookup (KBA5285)
Algorithm v1: Phone SL Algorithm (KBA1806)
Masking Commit Size, Row Limit and Feedback Size (KBA6387)
#knowledgebase #kba