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Announcing Delphix 6.0.8 & More!

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  • 1.  Announcing Delphix 6.0.8 & More!

    Posted 05-13-2021 04:04:00 PM
    Edited by Michael Torok 05-13-2021 04:03:35 PM
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    Announcing Delphix 6.0.8

    We are pleased to announce the release of Delphix version 6.0.8 and other significant updates made in April and May 2021.

    These updates expand masking functionality, improve replication object retention, and add support for HANA with a new ingestion model. In addition, we added a new API to allow you to view key metrics on your Delphix engines in Data Control Tower (formerly branded "Central Management").

    Significant Capabilities Introduced in 6.0.8 Include:

    • Ransomware Protection with Delphix Data Vault: We are introducing a new product for ransomware protection. This offering allows you to maintain unalterable, undeletable copies of data on remote engines. This remote copy allows you to ensure you have a backup, available for quick restore as needed.
    • Full Name Algorithm: We introduced a new full name algorithm framework, instances of which mask full name strings so that they closely match first names and last names that are stored separately.

    Data Control Tower (Formerly Central Management) Update

    • API Integration Point: We are launching, which will be the point of automation and integration. The first API is an engine inventory API that shows all your connected engines.

    Technical Update

    • Expansion of Retention Period on Replicated Objects: In the past, when snapshots on the replication source engine are deleted, either due to retention policies or user action, the next replication job will delete those snapshots on the replication target engine. Now you can extend the retention period of replicated objects on target engines while keeping the original retention at the source. Once the object in the target engine reaches its retention period, it will be flagged and deleted by the policy agent based on a daily schedule.
    • dxi Encrypted Credentials and Executables: We added encryption for admin credentials and distributed the dxi CLI as Windows, macOS and RHEL binaries. Both should simplify adoption.
    • Chaining Algorithm: We introduced a new chaining algorithm framework that allows you to create algorithms that break up a string into individual parts via a regular expression, and then apply individual algorithms to the parts.
    • dxi cluster support: dxi now supports the 'dxi database ingest' command (creation of a dsource) for Oracle RAC and Windows AG Cluster as well as provisioning to Oracle multi-tenant PDBs.
    • Db2 Staging Push enhancements: As part of the porting of the Db2 plugin to the Python vSDK, the plugin will run additional validation checks on databases mounted through Staging Push. The checks will verify whether a virtual database can be provisioned from the source.
    • HANA Plugin Staged Architecture: We introduced a staging architecture for HANA virtualization, making it consistent with other virtualizing data sources. These changes will allow us to support those of you with various SAP-certified, 3rd-party backup applications for HANA. We will continue to support the pull ingestion method with HANA native backups and logs. Lastly, like Db2, we have ported the HANA Plugin to the virtualization SDK.
    • Escape Character Support for Delimited File Masking: We will now support the configuration of escape characters for enclosure characters in file masking.
    • System Tunable Interface: To better support you, we will be exposing a set of commonly used system settings. You will be able to use this with Support's direction.
    • Oracle Customized Full Backups: There is a rarely-seen bug in Oracle that results in some blocks not being written to the datafiles during an Oracle SnapSync operation. When this happens, the datafiles can become incomplete and provisioning/refreshing from that snapshot might fail. We are providing a SnapSync option via CLI that you can customize to accept all datafiles during an Oracle SnapSync operation to prevent this error.

    For more details and a complete list of features and fixes, please see the release notes. If you have questions about Delphix 6.0.8, please visit our community site and our support site.

    Delphix 6.0.8 is immediately available for new installs. The Cloud Marketplace images will follow the GA by up to 2 weeks. Please contact Delphix Support if you need help with upgrades.

    The Delphix Team

    Michael Torok
    Director of Knowledge and Community Management