I have ingested the source data as part of Unstructured file. Its the first time I'm trying to provision the VDB thru NFS mount to a target environment.
Below is the debug log info:
SH_DEBUG: mount.sh: mount_filesystem_always_privileged: dlpx_mount didn't work; errno 32
SH_DEBUG: mount.sh: mount_filesystem_always_privileged: dlpx_mount [mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting]
Both environments are in Linux. Also I manually executed the mount command and results in access denied issue. Normally in Linux env, for providing access we go to the /etc/exports file and add the server mount path and the client IP.
The delphix engine runs in How do I assign the mount path to one my client IPs(xxxx) with (rw,sync,no_subtree_check)
OR Is there any other means to assign this access thru GUI ?
Note : I did search the community posts for a similar issue, but could not find anything addressing this issue.
Muthiah M
Delphix Community Members