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  • 1.  dxtoolkit for dsources using netbackup for validatedSync

    Posted 04-04-2022 03:50:00 PM
    Hello Delphix Community!

    I would just like to inquire if it is possible to use dxtoolkit to provision a dSource that is using Netbackup for its validated Sync. I cannot find the syntax on how to do that. Much appreciated!

    Leonard Aldrich Reyes
    Database Administrator
    Arch Capital Services Inc.

  • 2.  RE: dxtoolkit for dsources using netbackup for validatedSync

    Posted 04-11-2022 10:36:00 AM

    Hi Leonard,

    I don't know if the dSource SYNC in general requires special parameters to start if it's using natives or netbackup.  If dSource is configured properly, and syncs work in general you can simply try a test on one dSource and run the command.  Now question is - you mention to provision a dSource - do you mean to provision a VDB from a netbackup dSource using dxtoolkit? Or to sync the dSource. In either case I think you simply use dxtoolkit commands as they are.

    Let me know if this makes any sense.  


    Paul Vero
    Senior Principal Technical Support Engineer

  • 3.  RE: dxtoolkit for dsources using netbackup for validatedSync

    Posted 04-12-2022 01:46:00 PM
    Hey Paul,

    Thanks for responding. It is to sync the dSource. When done via GUI - there's an option to put in the Netbackup server and the source client name, but this is not available in dxtoolkit commands as far as I see unless I am missing something.

    Leonard Aldrich Reyes
    Database Administrator
    Arch Capital Services Inc.

  • 4.  RE: dxtoolkit for dsources using netbackup for validatedSync

    Posted 04-12-2022 05:07:00 PM
    Hi Leonard,

    I am sorry - this would be the Link with Sync (Link is creating the dSource).
    In the current doc:

    You can add a new issue from this link:

    If you are unable to do so let me know - the dxtoolkit is not maintained by the Dev team, but from github you can request this and the dxtoolkit maintainer will be able to let you know if feasible or not.

    Let us know if this doesn't work out for you - so sorry about that.


    Paul Vero
    Senior Principal Technical Support Engineer