Delphix Products

  • 1.  ORA-64307: hybrid columnar compression is not supported for tablespaces on this storage type on Delphix

    Posted 04-10-2014 08:58:00 AM
    We have created a VDB from a database residing on Exadata. Some of the tables/partitions on the exadata side use the HCC compression feature. When you attempt to access those partitions or tables on the VDB you get the above error. Has Delphix any workaround to this or suggestions?

  • 2.  RE: ORA-64307: hybrid columnar compression is not supported for tablespaces on this storage type on Delphix

    Posted 04-10-2014 09:18:00 AM
    Hi Proinnsias,

    Unfortunately HCC compressed data cannot be accessed from Delphix storage, due to Oracle restrictions. The HCC data needs to be uncompressed before it is linked as a dSource in Delphix, something like an 'ALTER TABLE ... MOVE' type command.

    Many Thanks,


  • 3.  RE: ORA-64307: hybrid columnar compression is not supported for tablespaces on this storage type on Delphix

    Posted 04-10-2014 10:11:00 AM
    Scott is right, and unfortunately it is an Oracle restriction. And, unless all of your non-prod database storage was Exadata, dNFS-mounted ZFSSA, or FC or iSCSI-mounted Pillar Axiom, this was an issue you are already dealing with today.

    But, I do want to highlight even with uncompressing the HCC tables, the data is still filtered, compressed, and de-duped inside of Delphix. Instead of 10X storage savings of some tables with HCC, you get a 10X storage savings of the whole database! Multiply that by however many copies of that production database exist across your whole estate, and the savings are even more impressive.

    Also, with Delphix, our compression technology does not get in the way of what you want to do with your data. Oracle specifically says HCC is not for OLTP databases, and to use OLTP compression (a type of AC) for those use cases. Delphix doesn't place any such restrictions on your data. 

    I also want to point out that this is just a lockin with HCC. Oracle does not have these restrictions with AC, if you didn't want to fully decompress that database. 

    I just wanted to provide some additional food for thought. Hope this helps.

  • 4.  RE: ORA-64307: hybrid columnar compression is not supported for tablespaces on this storage type on Delphix

    Posted 02-11-2019 09:47:00 AM
    An alternative and simpler possibility is to ingest data compressed with HCC, then, at the time of VDB provisioning, a hook can be invoked to decompress the HCC-compressed objects.
    In this way, source still continues using HCC and VDB can perform correctly.

  • 5.  RE: ORA-64307: hybrid columnar compression is not supported for tablespaces on this storage type on Delphix

    Posted 02-11-2019 07:07:00 PM

    If it helps, here is a simplified shell-script from the Configure Clone hook to execute ALTER TABLE ... MOVE on any HCC tables or partitions to recompress them as OLTP or ROW STORE ADVANCED compressed.  Please realize that you must be licensed for the Oracle Advanced Compress option to use OLTP or ROW STORE ADVANCED compression, so if you are not licensed, please alter the script to use BASIC or NOCOMPRESS as you prefer.

    # File:
    # Type:         bash script
    # Author:       Delphix Field Services
    # Date:         11-February 2019
    # Copyright and license:
    #       Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
    #       not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    #       You may obtain a copy of the License at
    #       Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    #       distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
    #       WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    #       See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    #       limitations under the License.
    #       Copyright (c) 2019 by Delphix.  All rights reserved.
    # Description:
    #    Simplified script to find all HCC (hybrid-columnar compressed) tables and
    #    partitions and recompress them to OLTP/ADVANCED ROW STORE compression.
    # Command-line parameters:
    #    (none)
    # Environment inputs expected:
    # Modifications:
    #       TGorman 04feb19 first version
    if [[ "${ORACLE_SID}" = "" ]]
        echo "'date': ERROR - ORACLE_SID must be set; aborting..."
        exit 1
    if [[ "${ORACLE_HOME}" = "" ]]
        echo "'date': ERROR - ORACLE_HOME must be set; aborting..."
        exit 1
    if [ ! -d ${ORACLE_HOME} ]
        echo "'date': ERROR - unable to find \"${ORACLE_HOME}\" directory; aborting..."
        exit 1
    if [ ! -d ${ORACLE_HOME}/bin ]
        echo "'date': ERROR - unable to find \"${ORACLE_HOME}/bin\" directory; aborting..."
        exit 1
    if [ ! -x ${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/sqlplus ]
        echo "'date': ERROR - unable to find \"${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/sqlplus\" executable; aborting..."
        exit 1
    echo "'date': INFO - decompress HCC tables/partitions beginning..."
    ${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/sqlplus / as sysdba > /tmp/vdb_hcc_decompress_${ORACLE_SID}.log 2>&1 << __EOF__
    whenever oserror exit failure
    whenever sqlerror exit failure
    set serveroutput on size 1000000
        cursor get_compressed
        select    owner, table_name, '' partition_name
        from    dba_tables
        where    partitioned = 'NO'
        and    compression = 'ENABLED'
        and    (compress_for in ('QUERY LOW','QUERY HIGH','ARCHIVE LOW','ARCHIVE HIGH') or (compress_for = 'BASIC' and table_name = 'XYZ'))
        select    table_owner, table_name, partition_name
        from    dba_tab_partitions
        where    compression = 'ENABLED'
        and    (compress_for in ('QUERY LOW','QUERY HIGH','ARCHIVE LOW','ARCHIVE HIGH') or (compress_for = 'BASIC' and table_name = 'XYZ'))
        order by 1, 2, 3;
        v_errcontext        varchar2(255);
        v_errmsg        varchar2(128);
        v_version        varchar2(32);
        v_compress_clause    varchar2(128);
         * retrieve the Oracle database version to determine what syntax to use for ALTER TABLE:
         * If Oracle12c or above, then use the ROW STORE COMPRESS ADVANCED syntax, otherwise if
         * Oracle11g or below, then use the COMPRESS FOR OLTP syntax...
        v_errcontext := 'fetch version from v\$instance';
        select    case when to_number(substr(version,1,instr(version,'.',1)-1)) >= 12
                then 'move row store compress advanced'
                else 'move compress for oltp'
        into    v_compress_clause
        from    v\$instance;
         * retrieve all non-partitioned tables or table partitions which are HCC (i.e.
         * hybrid-columnar compressed) and change them to OLTP/ADVANCED row-store compressed...
        v_errcontext := 'open/fetch get_compressed';
        for x in get_compressed loop
            if x.partition_name is null then
                v_errcontext := 'alter table "' || x.owner || '"."' || x.table_name || '"';
                v_errcontext := 'alter table "' || x.owner || '"."' || x.table_name || '" partition "' || x.partition_name || '"';
            end if;
            v_errcontext := v_errcontext || ' ' || v_compress_clause;
            execute immediate v_errcontext;
            v_errcontext := 'fetch/close get_compressed';
        end loop;
        when others then
            v_errmsg := sqlerrm;
            raise_application_error(-20000, v_errcontext || ': ' || v_errmsg);
    if (( $? != 0 ))
        echo "'date': ERROR - decompress HCC tables/partitions failed; aborting..."
        exit 1
    echo "'date': INFO - decompress HCC tables/partitions succeeded"
    Please know that this script is provided without any warranty or guarantees.  If you choose to use it, then you own it and are responsible for it.  It is provided merely as a starting point for your own customization.

    Hope this helps?

