Delphix Products

  • 1.  Login and Session cookie examples in Groovy

    Posted 01-14-2019 04:08:00 PM
    I'm trying to perform some rest commands against delphix from Jenkins pipelines.  I have a groovy script trying to get a session, then login token. This is on a windows host.  From the bash examples, it looks like its adding to a cookie with each curl call.

    Here's the code:
    def delphix_url = ""def urlString = "http://${delphix_url}/resources/json/delphix";
    def login_params = "{\"type\"=\"LoginRequest\"\n"
    login_params += "\"username\"=\"delphix_admin\"\n"
    login_params += "\"password\"=\"delphix\"\n}"
    def api_params = "{\"type\": \"APISession\",\n"
    api_params += "\"version\": {\n"
    api_params += "\"type\": \"APIVersion\",\n"
    api_params += "\"major\": 1,\n"
    api_params += "\"minor\": 7,\n"
    api_params += "\"micro\": 0}\n"
    api_params += "}"

    // Do the Session
    println "API Params"
    println api_params
    URLConnection con = "${urlString}/session".toURL().openConnection();
    con.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");
    con.outputStream.withWriter { writer ->
      writer << api_params
    def postRC = con.getResponseCode()
    def cresp = con.getHeaderField("Cookies")
    //def response = con.inputStream.withReader { Reader reader -> reader.text }
    def response = con.getInputStream().getText()
    println "URL: " + "${urlString}/session"
    println "Result: " + postRC
    println "Cookie: " + cresp
    println "Response: " + response
    def cookie = "user=mary17;; path=/autos"
    // Do the Login
    println "Login Params"
    println login_params
    con = "${urlString}/login".toURL().openConnection();
    //con.setRequestProperty("Cookie", cookie)
    con.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");
    con.outputStream.withWriter { writer ->
      writer << login_params
    postRC = con.getResponseCode()
    cresp = con.getHeaderField("Cookies")
    //def response = con.inputStream.withReader { Reader reader -> reader.text }
    response = con.getInputStream().getText()
    println "URL: " + "${urlString}/login"
    println "Result: " + postRC
    println "Cookie: " + cresp
    println "Response: " + response
    println response

    Here's the output.  You can see, the cookie parameter is empty after getting a 200 on session.
    API Params  {"type": "APISession",  "version": {  "type": "APIVersion",  "major": 1,  "minor": 7,  "micro": 0}  }  URL:  Result: 200  Cookie: null  Response: {"type":"OKResult","status":"OK","result":{"type":"APISession","version":{"type":"APIVersion","major":1,"minor":7,"micro":0},"locale":null,"client":null},"job":null,"action":null}  #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------#  Login Params  {"type"="LoginRequest"  "username"="delphix_admin"  "password"="delphix"  }  URL:  Result: 200  Cookie: null  Response: {"type":"ErrorResult","status":"ERROR","error":{"type":"APIError","details":"No API session has been established.","action":"Create an API session by calling /resources/json/delphix/session.","id":"exception.webservices.session.nosession","commandOutput":null,"diagnoses":null}}  {"type":"ErrorResult","status":"ERROR","error":{"type":"APIError","details":"No API session has been established.","action":"Create an API session by calling /resources/json/delphix/session.","id":"exception.webservices.session.nosession","commandOutput":null,"diagnoses":null}}

  • 2.  RE: Login and Session cookie examples in Groovy
    Best Answer

    Posted 01-14-2019 06:55:00 PM
    The header which is set is Set-Cookie, here's an example:
    curl -v  -H 'Content-type: application/json' http://<redacted>/resources/json/delphix/session
    *   Trying
    * TCP_NODELAY set
    * Connected to <redacted> port 80 (#0)
    > GET /resources/json/delphix/session HTTP/1.1
    > Host: <redacted>
    > User-Agent: curl/7.54.0
    > Accept: */*
    > Content-type: application/json

    < HTTP/1.1 200 
    < Date: Mon, 14 Jan 2019 19:46:40 GMT
    < Content-Length: 278
    < Connection: keep-alive
    < Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=B36B5FE645AFECCB82CCFDC5EAF10EBD; Path=/resources; HttpOnly
    < X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
    < X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
    < X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block That being said, I would recommend using an HTTP library (in the language of your choice) as Java's URLConnection is a low level API which is not easy to work with. It might be easier to use Jenkins' HTTP REST plugin or even to call CURL (assuming it is available)