Delphix Toolkits (dxToolkit and dxmToolkit)

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dxtoolkit for migrating a VDB from one host to another host

  • 1.  dxtoolkit for migrating a VDB from one host to another host

    Posted 09-28-2024 04:21:00 AM

    dxtoolkit for migrating a VDB from one host to another host.

    I would like to migrate a VDB from one host to another host through toolkit , 

    is it possible ?

    Sridhar Suddala
    Metro Bank Plc

  • 2.  RE: dxtoolkit for migrating a VDB from one host to another host

    Posted 09-30-2024 09:25:00 AM


    I think you would need to use a combination of the "dx_ctl_db" and "dx_upgrade_db" commands.

    • Use dx_ctl_db to disable before the mirgration and enable after the migration.
    • Use dx_upgrade_db to point the VDB to a new environment and installation (also known as a repository or repo).

    Please see this link's help section for an example:



    Neal Stack
    Senior Principal Technical Support Engineer