Delphix Toolkits (dxToolkit and dxmToolkit)

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  • 1.  dxtoolkit to refresh dsource using the latest full backup

    Posted 12-10-2024 10:21:00 AM

    Hi All, I have tried using the following to refresh a dsource:

    dx_refresh_db -d <engine> -name <database> -type dsource -timestamp LATEST_SNAPSHOT

    ...but I got the following message without a refresh:

    "You can't refresh dSource <database>"

    Even though there are documented parameters for dsource type it doesn't seem this works against a dsource? Hoping to find a dxtoolkit command to refresh a particular dsource from the most recent full backup.

    We are using Windows and SQL Server.

    Chris Patton
    Sr. Database Administrator
    CalOptima Health

  • 2.  RE: dxtoolkit to refresh dsource using the latest full backup

    Posted 12-10-2024 12:57:00 PM

    Sorry all...ended up answering my own question. What I was actually wanting to do was take a snapshot of a dSource:

    dx_snapshot_db -d <engine> -name <database> -usebackup yes

    I understand that this will snapshot using the latest full backup

    Chris Patton
    Sr. Database Administrator
    CalOptima Health

  • 3.  RE: dxtoolkit to refresh dsource using the latest full backup

    Posted 12-11-2024 07:27:00 AM

    Hi Just 2cents, The command is to refresh VDB, not dSource. Please give a second look.

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  • 4.  RE: dxtoolkit to refresh dsource using the latest full backup

    Posted 12-11-2024 08:43:00 AM

    For dSource snapshot to ingest full backup, you can try.

    "dx_snapshot_db.exe -d <Engine name> -type dSource -name <dSource name> -usebackup yes"

    or "dx_snapshot_db.exe -d <Engine name> -type dSource -name <dSource name> -backupuuid $UUID -usebackup yes"

    get the UUID of latest full backup using query and pass it onto the above command

    Neeraj Tharwani
    TDM Engineer
    PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC)