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  • 1.  Increasing Storage

    Posted 12-19-2024 03:50:00 PM
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    We have been adding storage to one of our engines and I have a question on how we can reduce the increase as much as possible.

    We have a dsource that is 2.7TB. We have 4 TEST and QA VDBs that are between 200-700gb.
    We have another VDB from that dsource that is refreshed daily. 

    Since we refresh the VDB daily from the dsource, I would expect the VDB storage to be very low but if you look at the attachment, you can see it was minimal on Dec 12 & 16 but the other days are taking up alot or space.

    Joseph Sernicola
    Application Development Technical Delivery Lead
    Independence Blue Cross


    GDM space.csv   1 KB 1 version

  • 2.  RE: Increasing Storage

    Posted 12-19-2024 04:20:00 PM

    Hi Joseph,

    Initially when you provision or refresh a VDB, it will be sharing most if not all of its blocks with the dSource and so it uses very little capacity.

    As users start to make changes in the database (INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE), the VDB will start to grow. Could it be that the users didn't make any changes to the VDB on the 12th or the 16th?

    You can get granular, historical capacity for a single database. Maybe you could look at when the VDB started to grow and compare it to SQL audit logs?

    You can also use the Delphix Command Line Interface (CLI):

    echo "capacity consumer historical; list container=PineTree display=container,timestamp,breakdown.activeSpace,breakdown.actualSpace,breakdown.unvirtualizedSpace" | ssh
    HIMCO_TGT_DEV_RESEARCH/PineTree                 2017-10-20T16:33:15.532Z  30.73MB                31.89MB                1.79TB
    HIMCO_TGT_DEV_RESEARCH/PineTree                 2017-10-20T16:33:15.532Z  30.73MB                31.89MB                1.79TB
    HIMCO_TGT_DEV_RESEARCH/PineTree                 2017-10-20T17:33:15.464Z  31.16MB                32.44MB                1.79TB
    HIMCO_TGT_DEV_RESEARCH/PineTree                 2017-10-20T18:03:15.431Z  34.22MB                36.87MB                3.59TB
    HIMCO_TGT_DEV_RESEARCH/PineTree                 2017-10-20T18:33:15.398Z  2.43MB                 3.36MB                 1.80TB




    Neal Stack
    Senior Principal Technical Support Engineer

  • 3.  RE: Increasing Storage

    Posted 12-20-2024 03:13:00 PM
      |   view attached


    Thanks for the quik reply.

    These particular VDBs are only used for reporting however I spoke to the DBA today and he removed an index rebuild job so I'll review the storage again next week.

    I used dx_get_capacity_history -d delphixt05 -scope object -type vdb -output_unit to collect the info I shared in the attachment.


    I do have another related question...

    We have a devops process that allows users to spinup a temporary sandbox vdb that automatically gets deleted after 2 weeks. It's provisioned from the dsource and this one particular dsource that is used alot is over 1.5 tb. If you reference the attachment, they are the dsource snaps and you can see they're taking 1.5tb.  I'm not concerned about the Jul & Nov snaps but the others are being held because they have TEMP vdbs that are dependent upon them so they won't be deleted until the dependent TEMP vdb is deleted after 2 weeks.
    Is there any thing we can do to decrease the size of these snaps?


    Have a good weekend.

    Test Environment Management

    Joseph Sernicola

    Test Environment Management Lead

    1901 Market street, 6th Floor
    Philadelphia, PA 19103
    P  215-241-3649







    GDM dsource snaps.csv   556 B 1 version

  • 4.  RE: Increasing Storage

    Posted 12-20-2024 03:51:00 PM

    Hi Joseph,

    I don't know of a way to reduce the snapshot size for dSources. Delphix uses ZFS as the underlying file system. This is a copy-on-write technology. When you restore a backup into Delphix, the database writes out whatever changes are made between backup "A" and backup "B". If the database writes out a block, the file system makes a copy of the block that was changed. Those changes are represented as the size of the dSource's snapshot.

    With regards to VDB growth, index maintenance is one thing but there are some other things you can check:



    Neal Stack
    Senior Principal Technical Support Engineer