This update covers new offerings, features, and functionality changes delivered in June 2024.
Three Key Highlights
- Continuous Data engines can now handle 750 objects, increased from the prior limit of 400.
- PostgreSQL datasets can now be automatically provisioned in containers using the Delphix. Kubernetes driver.
- Automated Sensitive Data Discovery has full parity with the Legacy Profiler, which is now deprecated.
Data Control Tower (DCT)
- Custom Hook Support – DCT has augmented hook support for pre-existing VDBs. Users can now create, update, and delete hooks as well as determine hook execution order.
- Selective Data Distribution (SDD) Replication Support – DCT now supports a SDD-specific user experience that creates replication profiles specifically for compliant prod-to-non-prod VDB distribution for developer access to masked data.
- Rule Sets Detail Views – DCT's Rule Set UI now includes detail views on associated jobs, table and column-level detail on masking rule assignments, as well as a sensitive data coverage analysis to provide a visualization of data risk.
Continuous Data
- Engine Object Limit – To improve scalability, we are expanding the number of objects a Delphix Continuous Data engine can handle from 400 to 750.
- K8s Driver – Introduced the ability to provision a PostgreSQL dataset using the K8s Driver from an existing PostgreSQL dSource. In addition, we have added Volume Cloning support, Tagging of VDBs, and various bug fixes. Please consult the for more information.
- PostgreSQL – Added the ability to provision datasets from existing PostgreSQL dSources. Simply ingest a source using the latest PostgreSQL connector and follow the K8s Driver Provision and enable documentation for more information.
- Password Vault Credential Cache – In the current Password Vault implementation, the Delphix engine retrieves credentials on each Environment access request, which can quickly scale due to normal dataset activity. We are enhancing the feature to allow customers to have the ability to 'cache' the given credentials and prevent excessive calls to the configured Vault.
Continuous Compliance
- Automated Sensitive Data Discovery of VSAM file formats – Support has been added for VSAM file formats in the current profiler, bringing parity between the legacy and current profiler. As a result, we have announced the deprecation of the legacy file profiler.
- Google Cloud SQL IAM Authorization for Microsoft SQL Server and PostgreSQL – Continuous Compliance introduces built-in support for IAM Authorization for both Microsoft SQL Server and PostgreSQL instances eliminating the need for an additional proxy. IAM Authorization for MySQL instances will be available in a future release.
Hyperscale Compliance
- Automated handling of Oracle BLOB/CLOB Columns – Users now save time by automating the handling of Oracle BLOB/CLOB columns, ensuring that null or empty string values are managed seamlessly.
- Automated configuration of mount filesystem - New time-saving configuration settings enable the automatic configuration of the mount filesystem during application startup.
- MongoDB connector security enhancements - The MongoDB Hyperscale connector now supports Reduced Privilege Operations.
- Deployment platform certifications – Hyperscale Compliance now runs on AWS EKS for the Parquet and Delimited connectors and OpenShift for the MongoDB connector.
June Product Version Releases
This section includes all the software products that were shipped in June and their release dates. All of these are available now on the Delphix download site:
Continuous Data & Continuous Compliance
End of Life and Deprecations
- Continuous Compliance Legacy Profiler - The legacy profiler for files and mainframe datasets is now deprecated. It will reach End of Life and be removed from Delphix Continuous Compliance in release (same release as the legacy database profiler). Legacy profiling jobs should be updated to use ASDD profile sets.
- Continuous Compliance Generic Connector - Generic connectors are now deprecated. This connector type will reach End of Life and be removed from the product in six months (December 2024).
- To determine if a Continuous Compliance engine contains a generic connector, users should review the engine’s list of database connectors through either the graphical UI or API. The value Generic in the connector type field indicates the presence of a generic connector.
- All generic connectors should be replaced by creating an equivalent, built-in connector. For example, a generic connector using an Oracle JDBC URL should be replaced with a new, built-in Oracle connector. If the generic connector set properties in the JDBC URL, those can be set for the built-in connector using the connector properties feature that was introduced in release
# #2024_24 #productannouncement #Product_Announcement
Michael Torok
Digital Customer Experience, Senior Director