Can you test from the Command Line Interface (CLI)? dxtoolkit is using the same APIs as the CLI so I would expect dxtoolkit to work if the CLI also works:
% ssh admin@neal1400.abc.delphix.com
(admin@neal1400.abc.delphix.com) Password:
neal1400.abc> snapshot
neal1400.abc snapshot> list database=bigdb@neal1400.dcol2-1
'@2023-09-06T12:45:53.573'@neal1400.dcol2-1 bigdb@neal1400.dcol2-1 - 2023-09-06T16:45:53.573Z
'@2023-10-10T11:40:11.956'@neal1400.dcol2-1 bigdb@neal1400.dcol2-1 - 2023-10-10T15:40:11.956Z
If the CLI does not list any snapshots, I would recommend opening a technical support case and uploading a support bundle so that we can review the issue in more detail.
If the CLI does list the snapshots, what is MDELPPDB@xedpx01-3? Is it a dSource? Is it detached/unlinked?
Neal Stack
Senior Principal Technical Support Engineer
Original Message:
Sent: 12-04-2023 10:04:21 AM
From: Bibhuti Bhusan Padhi
Subject: Snapshot not reporting from dxtoolkit command
Hi Neal,
Thanks. I can also list the snapshots received for another source dataset but not for this particular source .
The listing of snapshots for vPDBs are all fine.
Also, what I have observed in the past is that the snapshot reflects in the dxtoolkit output after a few days. Not sure if this helps.
Bibhuti Bhusan Padhi
Wm Morrison Supermarkets plc
Original Message:
Sent: 12-04-2023 09:11:36 AM
From: Neal Stack
Subject: Snapshot not reporting from dxtoolkit command
Using the second most recent version of dxtoolkit (2.4.20), I am able to list snapshots from a dSource or VDB in my replication namespace:
% ./dx_get_snapshots --version
% ./dx_get_snapshots --engine neal1400 --name Vbigdb@neal1400.dcol2-1
Engine Group Database Snapshot name Start time End time
------------------------------ -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------
neal1400 ASE@neal1400.dcol2-1 Vbigdb@neal1400.dcol2-1 @2023-10-13T04:30:58.026 2023-10-13 04:30:58 EDT 2023-10-13 04:30:58 EDT
neal1400 ASE@neal1400.dcol2-1 Vbigdb@neal1400.dcol2-1 @2023-10-14T04:30:58.510 2023-10-14 04:30:58 EDT 2023-10-14 04:30:58 EDT
neal1400 ASE@neal1400.dcol2-1 Vbigdb@neal1400.dcol2-1 @2023-10-15T04:30:58.966 2023-10-15 04:30:58 EDT 2023-10-15 04:30:58 EDT
neal1400 ASE@neal1400.dcol2-1 Vbigdb@neal1400.dcol2-1 @2023-10-16T04:30:59.426 2023-10-16 04:30:59 EDT 2023-10-16 04:30:59 EDT
neal1400 ASE@neal1400.dcol2-1 Vbigdb@neal1400.dcol2-1 @2023-10-17T04:30:59.883 2023-10-17 04:30:59 EDT 2023-10-17 04:30:59 EDT
neal1400 ASE@neal1400.dcol2-1 Vbigdb@neal1400.dcol2-1 @2023-10-18T04:31:00.300 2023-10-18 04:31:00 EDT 2023-10-18 04:31:00 EDT
neal1400 ASE@neal1400.dcol2-1 Vbigdb@neal1400.dcol2-1 @2023-10-19T04:31:00.796 2023-10-19 04:31:00 EDT 2023-10-19 04:31:00 EDT
% ./dx_get_snapshots --engine neal1400 --name bigdb@neal1400.dcol2-1
Engine Group Database Snapshot name Start time End time
------------------------------ -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------
neal1400 ASE@neal1400.dcol2-1 bigdb@neal1400.dcol2-1 @2023-09-06T12:45:53.573 2023-09-06 12:45:53 EDT 2023-09-06 12:45:53 EDT
neal1400 ASE@neal1400.dcol2-1 bigdb@neal1400.dcol2-1 @2023-10-10T11:40:11.956 2023-10-10 11:40:11 EDT 2023-10-10 11:40:11 EDT
Neal Stack
Senior Principal Technical Support Engineer
Original Message:
Sent: 12-04-2023 04:44:05 AM
From: Bibhuti Bhusan Padhi
Subject: Snapshot not reporting from dxtoolkit command
Dear Delphix Community,
I was checking snapshots using dxtoolkit using below command
/app/oracle/dxtoolkit/dxtoolkit2/dx_get_snapshots -d xedpx02 -name MDELPPDB@xedpx01-3 -format csv
However, I am getting no snapshots listed as shown in below attached image
Whereas in the Delphix console GUI I am able to see the snapshot
Please note the this is a snapshot from our Production source.
Also, it is to be noted that we are seeing this behaviour on Monday and on subsequent days the dxtoolkit reports expected result in-line with the data visible in GUI.
Kindly help on this by sharing your thoughts / suggestions.
Bibhuti Bhusan Padhi
Wm Morrison Supermarkets plc