Delphix Toolkits (dxToolkit and dxmToolkit)

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  • 1.  dx_snapshot_db.exe context

    Posted 09-23-2021 11:35:00 AM
    Edited by Adam Sennott 09-23-2021 11:41:06 AM
    Until recently I was using an older (c. 2016) dxToolkit, but since upgrading my engines to 6.0.9 I decided to try the most recent Windows dxToolkit posted to the github.

    Now for the first time, there is a prompt for a config file, so I seem to be missing some context from the commands.

    I want to take a snapshot of all SQL VDBs in a single dataset group using the CLI only.  Am I missing something from the command or must we use a config file now? (I don't want to save my credentials in a flat file)

    C:\Users\xxxx\Documents\dxtoolkit2>dx_snapshot_db.exe -d us-dlx-004 -group US-
    Can't load config file C:/Users/xxxx/Documents/dxtoolkit2/dxtools.conf : No such
    file or directory at C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Local\Temp\par-61646173\cache-b96286
    9b006bc53eb3f769c7ae52fa114d6f7c17\inc\lib/ line 129.


    EDIT: I've tried adding -host US-SQL-012, with the same result
    Adam Sennott
    SAN Engineer
    Fitness International, LLC

  • 2.  RE: dx_snapshot_db.exe context
    Best Answer

    Posted 09-23-2021 11:46:00 AM
    Edited by Michael Torok 09-23-2021 12:04:04 PM
    Hi Adam,

    Seems you don't have the config file on the new folder install, you have three options :

    - Copy the file from the oldest version directory to the new one
    - Create a new config file using :
    dx_config -convert todxconf -text hostname,,443,username,password,N,https -configfile dxtools.conf
    - Copy/adapte the template file from github



    Mouhssine Saidi
    Technical Services

  • 3.  RE: dx_snapshot_db.exe context

    Posted 09-23-2021 12:01:00 PM
    Hi Mouhssine,

    Ah I think I've got it. I didn't think I was using a config file, thought my credentials were passing through with the commands. I checked the old folder and I see the prior admin has a config file there.


    Adam Sennott
    SAN Engineer
    Fitness International, LLC

  • 4.  RE: dx_snapshot_db.exe context

    Posted 09-23-2021 01:04:00 PM
    Hi Adam,

    There is an option to encrypt the password in the configuration file so that it is not stored in plain text too:

    Neal Stack
    Senior Principal Technical Support Engineer

  • 5.  RE: dx_snapshot_db.exe context

    Posted 09-23-2021 02:17:00 PM
    Thanks Neal.  I'll try it.

    Adam Sennott
    SAN Engineer
    Fitness International, LLC