Delphix Toolkits (dxToolkit and dxmToolkit)

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  • 1.  dxmc config file location

    Posted 12-31-2021 09:09:00 AM
    While using dxmc with Windows, I have to CD to the directory where the engines are configured, in order for dxmc to identify the engines configured. If i try to invoke dxmc from a different path, no engines are listed that are already configured

    dxmc path: \\remoteshare\dxmtoolkit\

    On command prompt:
    C:\Users\ABCD> \\remoteshare\dxmtoolkit\dxmc.exe engine list
    << No engines listed >>

    However the below works:
    C:\Users\ABCD> pushd \\remoteshare\dxmtoolkit\
    Z:\dxmtoolkit> dxmc.exe engine list
    Engine name        IP ..................

    Z:\dxmtoolkit> popd \\remoteshare\dxmtoolkit\

    Mahesh Chandran
    Delphix Community Members

  • 2.  RE: dxmc config file location
    Best Answer

    Posted 01-01-2022 04:35:00 AM

    the dxmc.exe creates a tiny encrypted db file holding the credentials, usually located in same location as dxmc.exe.

    When you call dxmc in the console this file must be present in the "current location" .. otherwise you need zo CD to this place.

    Hope this helps ..
    With best regards 

    Tino Pironti
    Masking SME
    Technical Manager

  • 3.  RE: dxmc config file location

    Posted 01-02-2022 02:31:00 AM
    Checkout where the  dxm-toolkit.db  (extension db ! ) is located.
    In cmd/powershell you can CD into that directory and call dxmc.exe using a full path in a different location .. that certainly works.
    In the moment you use dxmc server add --args the db file is created in sane folder as dxmc.exe ... of course you can move that file. When calling dxmc.exe the "current path" must contain  the db file.

    With best regards 

    Tino Pironti
    Masking SME
    Technical Manager