Hi Community,
When using ME on our company LAB, we need to move configuration to customer's Engine.
Everyone knows the possibilities of exporting and importing environments, but do not forget about the elements needed to operate in these environments.
1. Export Environment
https://docs.delphix.com/display/DOCS50/Managing+EnvironmentsExporting an Environment
Remember to export Inventory in Ruleset's
2. Export Inventory related to Ruleset in Environment

Remember to save all settings from your LAB before moving to Production:
Need to review:
1. Domains and Algorithms - if any new created and used on Production
2. File Formats - if using File Masking
3. Patterns in Rule Set - if using File Masking
# Note - only if using Patterns eg .*.csv
# Note2 - sometimes when importing environment with File Masking, Patterns can be lost when File Format is not existent before environment importing. Then need to drop Rule Set and create new.
Need to start from recreating Algorithms, Domains, File Formats and Applications before importing Environment.
There is no way to import your own Algorithms and Domain - need to recreate on target Engine.
1. Algorithms and Domains:
If using your own Algorithms and Domains - you need to re-create them on new Masking Engine. First Create Algorithm, then Domain with Algorithm assignment.
So all SL algorithms need to import all it's SL lists.
2. File Formats:
If using File masking, and you create new File Format - you can import File Format, or create all File Formats.
3. Application
Always need to create Application before importing Environment

3. Environment
Import Environment

Remember to enable popup's in browser to review errors (on Safari import sometimes fail, on Chrome runs without any problems)
This procedure works for our last implementation with File Masking, which has more settings than every Database masking.
Please comment, add your ideas :)