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Innovation vs. risk how well is your business walking that tightrope? This article was originally published by Bob Bragdon on the Delphix website here June 27, 2024. W hile innovation continues to be a top priority for businesses, it often results in an increase in the volume of sensitive data that needs to be identified and protected. And that can increase the security risks. An increase in sensitive data was confirmed by the US Security & Innovation Study, conducted in the first quarter of 2024 by Delphix and RiskStrat Advisory . The survey-based research of 61 CISOs in the United States explored the intersection of innovation ...
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Test data management (TDM) needs to evolve to keep pace with today's development speed requirements. Find out how to rethink TDM with DevOps This article was originally published on the Delphix website here June 25, 2024. I n today’s digitally driven markets, business speed practically equals software development speed. As software accrues greater importance in determining a business’s success in the market, adopting modern software development methodologies such as Agile and DevOps have become crucial for accelerating businesses’ software delivery timelines. DevOps builds on Agile principles to significantly enhance developers’ ...
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As avoidable costs rise due to business decisions outside your control, use Delphix to break away from your VMware Hypervisor. This article is original to the Delphix Community site and is the work of Sean Nothdurft and Michael Torok. W hether you have always kept an eye on cost, or you have recently noticed a spike in costs associated with your Hypervisor selection, choice needs to be in your control. We recognize that Delphix itself is dependent on your having a Hypervisor solution and want to ensure you remain in control. It is no secret that VMware has seen significant pricing increases since the acquisition by Broadcom 1,2,3 ...
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Migrating Delphix CLI Toolkits: dxtoolkit to dct -toolkit Overview The Delphix Self - Service (Jet Stream) end-of-support date was announced for September 2025 . This date has encouraged many Delphix customers to transition to Data Control Tower (DCT) . And while the UI is an important part of the experience, the dxtoolkit , an open-source com mand line interface (CLI), must be considered and migrated as well. Fortunately, DCT has introduced its own supported CLI, called dct -toolkit . In this blog post, we’ll cover the differences between dxtoolkit and dct ...
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DevOps test data management quickly prepares data to be used by AI/ML models in the most efficient way possible This article was originally published on the Delphix website here April 26, 2024. I t’s tough to think of a recent technology that has so thoroughly captured the attention of the public and the business world alike as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), collectively known as AI/ML. Models like ChatGPT and DALL-E 2 continue to make headlines, with the public exploring AI/ML applications from conducting symphonies to devising workout plans . At the same time, many enterprises are already leveraging AI/ML ...
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Removing test data bottlenecks will empower developers, improve the developer experience, and increase business growth This article was originally published on the Delphix website here April 18, 2024. In 2020, McKinsey surveyed 440 companies and 100 technology experts to measure how software development affected business growth. In their report , the global consultancy noted that software development could improve a business’s performance by, “empowering developers, creating the right environment for them to innovate, and removing points of friction.” McKinsey found that companies who focused on these capabilities had 60% higher shareholder ...
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New Era of Data Pipelines: Extract, Mask, Deliver In today's interconnected world, where data flows freely across borders and boundaries, businesses face myriad of challenges when it comes to safeguarding sensitive information. From regulatory requirements such as GDPR, HIPAA and CCPA to the ever-present threat of cyberattacks and data breaches, the stakes have never been higher. That's where data masking comes into play, serving as a bulwark against the rising tide of data insecurity. By prioritizing enterprise-wide data compliance, businesses can not only mitigate risks and uphold regulatory standards but also foster a culture of trust and transparency ...
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Introduction The legacy profiler for file and mainframe connectors is deprecated as of release 24.0. It will reach End of Life and be removed from Delphix Continuous Compliance in a further four months in release 28.0. All legacy profiling will reach End of Life at that time. Only ASDD profiling will be available from release 28.0 and onward. This guide explains how to check if you are using the legacy profiler in any profiling jobs and how to update these jobs to use the Automated Sensitive Data Discovery (ASDD) profiler. This notice applies to both file and mainframe connectors. A notice for database connectors was released previously. How ...
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Given the sensitivity of many test data sources, proper guardrails for test data management must be included in internal developer platforms to ensure data security and compliance This article was originally published on the Delphix website here April 10, 2024. T wo weeks ago, Perforce completed its previously announced acquisition of Delphix. This means that Delphix is now part of a broad portfolio of DevOps-focused solutions that includes Puppet , a pioneer of infrastructure as code and DevOps. In mid-March, Puppet revealed the results of its annual State of DevOps research, based upon responses from 474 participants around the world. ...
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OCI Base Database Service Guide Users of Oracle Cloud's Base Database Service (BDS) can integrate with a Delphix Continuous Data engine by following the guide below. Base Database Service VM Configuration T he OCI instance created to run the Base Database Service has some configuration details that affect how it can be used with Delphix . Certain key configuration files are managed by Chef The following files have a comment at the top indicating that they are managed by Chef, and that local changes will be overwritten: / etc /ssh/ sshd_config / ...
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Summary In March 2024, Delphix Self-Service (Jet Stream) was announced to have end-of-life and to be replaced with the Data Control Tower (DCT) Developer Experience offering. The popular refresh, bookmark, and share feature set is available in DCT along with new possibilities, such as expanded data restores and DevOps Integrations. However, it is important to understand how to replicate the permission model, container structure, and bookmarks end users rely on in Delphix Self-Service. This blog post aims to teach Delphix Administrators who have successfully installed DCT but need guidance on migrating their virtual databases ...
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Proliferating non-production environments are causing sensitive data sprawl and impeding data compliance and protection in organizations. This article was originally published on the Delphix website here March 19, 2024. Any data security officer will tell you that protecting sensitive data is a constantly-evolving uphill battle. The threat landscape is always changing , while new vulnerabilities are discovered at an ever-increasing (and frightening) rate. The accelerating sprawl of sensitive data in enterprise environments only complicates this challenge. In most companies, data security officers simply have a bigger and growing ...
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Hi, We are reaching out to inform you that Delphix is deprecating Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) v4/v5 and IBM Advanced Interactive eXecutive (AIX) v5.3/v6.1 environments for Delphix Continuous Data Engine and all data source connectors on May 31st, 2024. These environment versions will reach the end of Primary Support, three months later, on August 31st, 2024, and then the end of Extended Support, 18 months later, on April 30, 2026. We must regularly reevaluate our support matrices to continually advance our products. The selected environment versions have been out of support for several years. With this in mind, we will drop support for ...
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Updating test data management processes can reduce software defects and the costs of repairing them. This article was originally published on the Delphix website here March 13, 2024. Walmart founder Sam Walton famously said, “There’s only one boss. The customer.” Customers are any business’s lifeblood, but acquiring new customers can cost four to five times more than retaining existing customers, per Forbes . So, it’s just as important to retain customers as it is to acquire new ones. But maintaining a strong customer base is easier said than done, as customers can be fickle— 60% of customers would stop doing business with a company ...
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AI’s influence, data compliance, and non-production vulnerabilities give businesses ample reasons to evolve their data governance procedures This article was originally published on the Delphix website here February 21, 2024. A s businesses continue to amass vast amounts of data, the need for robust data governance procedures has become more critical than ever. Examining data governance procedures has long been a crucial practice for businesses that collect data because it ensures that collected data is managed, stored, and utilized in a secure, compliant, and efficient manner. It also enhances data quality, risk mitigation, and better decision ...
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Updating test data management processes can reduce a business’s storage footprint, IT budget spend, and greenhouse gas emissions This article was originally published on the Delphix website here February 13, 2024. How many copies of test data are currently floating around your organization’s non-production environments? That’s not always an easy question to answer, as not all copies of test data within enterprises are monitored or even accounted for. In fact, many businesses maintain non-production environments in which a striking 90% of the data is redundant, according to Delphix . These unaccounted data copies within non-production ...
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Data Control Tower (DCT) Installation Cheat Sheet Summary Data Control Tower (DCT) is Delphix’s data governance solution. DCT sits above the Delphix Engines (Continuous Data, Continuous Compliance, or Hyperscale Compliance), where it continuously monitors and directs usage of the engines through an HTTPS connection. DCT is a Dockerized product that is installed on a containerized platform. It is not installed like a traditional Delphix Engine. This guide is meant to assist with the first time installation of DCT. Audience Traditional Delphix Administrators who do not have Kubernetes, OpenShift, or Docker knowledge might need to ...
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Continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) promises to revolutionize software delivery, elevate collaboration, mitigate risks, and accelerate time-to-market This article was originally published on the Delphix website here February 6, 2024. I n the fast-paced realm of enterprise software development, the need for agility, efficiency, and reliability has never been more crucial. Enterprise software developers are continuously looking for ways to speed up their software development processes without sacrificing quality. Continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) has emerged as a transformative technology, promising ...
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Hi, We are reaching out to inform you of our plans to end support for Delphix Self-Service (formerly known as JetStream). The March 2024 release of Delphix Continuous Data starts an 18-month end-of-support period for all supported versions of Delphix Self-Service. We will continue to support Delphix Self-Service in prior and current product versions until September 30, 2025 . After September 2025, all versions of Delphix Self-Service will be out of support. Please see the Frequently Asked Questions below for further details. We understand this feature provides important capabilities for your application teams and are committed to continuing ...
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March 2024 Introduction The Delphix DevOps Data Platform leverages a usage-based pricing model. This usage-based price is dependent on the amount of data managed by Continuous Data, Continuous Compliance, and Hyperscale Compliance, measured in terabytes. This measurement guide will help determine per-terabyte usage across supported source data. Pursuant to Delphix’s pricing model, our customers may use our software and services without having to worry about the number of software instances running. With this pricing model, our customers can use and pay for only as much as is needed and deploy the software in whatever fashion deemed fit. Delphix ...
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