"No compatible Installation Homes" message will appear during provision on Delphix Engine GUI screen. Customer said, they copied exactly same Oracle binaries from source system through cloning process to the target nodes. They also verified lsinventory on source and target hosts as well. It shows exactly the same version.
Oracle Central Inventory (CI) will not get updated by just copying $ORACLE_HOME ($OH) from Source to Target. Make sure oraInst.loc is pointing to CI.
Once the Oracle binaries are copied through clone process, one should attach the $OH to the inventory and then run "relink all" to avoid "No compatible Installation Homes" message on Delphix GUI screen.
$OH/oui/bin/runInstaller -attachHome ORACLE_HOME_NAME="ORA12c" ORACLE_HOME="/u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0" -ignoreSysPrereqs
$relink all