I often get questions about how Delphix impacts a network and in particular about network saturation. Broadly speaking, network traffic to or from the Delphix Engine generally Consists of 5 Classes:
1. SQL Traffic to and from VDBs - Standard DDL, DML, DCL, etc. at the Block/Log Level for Oracle, MS SQL Server, Sybase, Postgres, DB2, MySQL, etc. databases.
2. dSource sync policies - Full/Incremental/Cumulative Backup shipments, Redo Shipment, or Log Shipment from an active database or its backup location.
3. VDB Sync Policies - Snapshots of active virtual databases.
4. V2P - Exporting a database onto Physical Storage
5. Replication - Synching one or more related objects with another Delphix Engine.
Briefly, here is an overview of network saturation issues, likelihoods, and remedies for each of these:
1. SQL Traffic to and from VDBs - At a port level, this is typically not a concern since the switch segregates the traffic, and traffic/limits are port specific. At a device level, this is a concern only if a node in the topology becomes exhausted. Solutions such as Physical isolation, Logical Isolation (such as a VLAN) or shifting workloads generally remedy any possible saturation event.
2 dSource sync policies - Typically not a concern because networks handle regular Full backups and Delphix only asks for Incrementals after the first load. Also, except for Oracle, these streams come from backup locations. Solutions such as Delphix dSource Bandwidth Throttling (to set absolute limits), or time scheduled Sync Policies to shift workload generally remedy any possible saturation events.
3. VDB Sync Policies - This is an extremely low cost operation, and I've never observed a network saturation event related to it.
4. V2P - This would have concerns similar to the impact of a full backup. If there are concerns, customers can remedy any situation by utilizing Delphix V2P Bandwidth Throttling to set absolute limits.
5. Replication - Traffic patterns are similar to dSource SYNCs. If saturation were to become an issue, Customers could utilize Delphix Replication Throttling to set absolute limits or scheduling to accomplish workload shifting.