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  • 1.  Every time when we provision Vdb, do we need to create container ?

    Posted 04-11-2016 07:43:00 AM
    Every time when we provision Vdb, do we need to create container ?

  • 2.  RE: Every time when we provision Vdb, do we need to create container ?

    Posted 04-11-2016 10:45:00 AM
    There may be a little confusion here. If you are in the GUI, a container is a JetStream object. So, you would only need to create a container if you were going to use the VDB.

    If you are using the REST API or CLI, then there is a concept of Containers that relate to the database class of objects. When using the api/cli, you do indeed create a container when creating a VDB.

    We are looking to clean up our terminology and nomenclature in a future release.

  • 3.  RE: Every time when we provision Vdb, do we need to create container ?
    Best Answer

    Posted 04-11-2016 10:48:00 AM
    The "Container" object is, effectively, the object that will represent your VDB in Delphix. It consists of what group it is in, what it's unique name will be, what type of VDB it is, and a description of the VDB. After creation, this object will also inherit information about the time flow of your database.