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Tip of the Day: Generating a New SSH Key Stored in the Default Location

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  • 1.  Tip of the Day: Generating a New SSH Key Stored in the Default Location

    Posted 09-15-2014 04:03:00 PM
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    These operations are performed as a command line user on a non-Dephix host, where SSH is installed.  In the remainder of the document we will use:
    • username - to refer to the existing command line user the non-Delphix host
    • host name - to refer to the existing non-Delphix host

    These example here should work with a variety of SSH distributions, however your distribution may behave differently.  If you are unable to follow these instructions successfully, consult with your system administrator, and/or your operating system or SSH client vendor.


    1. Log in as username to hostname
    2. Verify there are no files with the .pub extension in the ~username/.ssh/ directory. If there are you must either use the existing SSH key as described above, or generate a new SSH key in a non-default location as described below.
    3.Choose the type of key you wish to create: RSA or DSA for SSH protocol 2, or RSA for SSH protocol 1. If you have no preference, RSA for SSH protocol 2 is most commonly used.
    4. Create your keys with no passphrase, by running:
       a. For RSA protocol 2: ssh-keygen -t rsa
           i. This command creates two new files in ~username/.ssh/: id_rsa and
       b. For DSA protocol 2: ssh-keygen -t dsa
          i. This command creates two new files in ~username/.ssh/: id_dsa and
       c. For RSA protocol 1: ssh-keygen -t rsa1
          i. This command creates two new files in ~username/.ssh/: identity and
    5. You will be prompted to enter a passphrase, and to confirm the passphrase - simply hit enter twice to create a key with no passphrase for password-less authentication.
    6.Input the contents of the created .pub file in the ~username/.ssh/ directory into the publicKey field as described in CLI Cookbook: Configuring Key-Based SSH Authentication for Automation