Hello everyone,The following list of Knowledge Base articles have been generated or significantly updated in the month of November. Please review the list for any articles that affect your environments.
"Operating System Not Found" in VMware Console After Delphix Engine Upgrade or Reboot (KBA8347)
Algorithm Framework: Summary (KBA7880)
Deleting a Masking Application Using the API Client (KBA8041)
Unable to Use Oracle Proxy User with Masking Engine in 6.0.x.y (KBA6666)
Masking engine and HFS dataset support (KBA8136)
Granting Non-Admin Users Access to Sources and VDBs in a Replicated Namespace (KBA8176)
EOL/Obsolete Software - NginX 1.14.x Reported in Security Scan of Delphix Engine (KBA8270)
TB094 Arbitrary Code Execution by Delphix System Administrators May Be Performed on Virtualization and Masking Engines
Debugging PowerShell Execution from Connector Log Examples (KBA8395)
Changing a dSource User Type from 'Domain User with Password Credential' (KBA8362)
Determining the Duration of Self-Service Initiated Jobs (KBA8325)
Failure Linking Manually Added Source Database (KBA8265)
Provisioning a vPDB fails with ORA-30013: undo tablespace 'UNDO NAME' is currently in use OPEN PDB ERROR (KBA8367)
Web Conference Platforms Available for Delphix Support Engagements (KBA8437)
Delphix Engine Console Reports "audit: backlog limit exceeded" (KBA8443)
Running Oracle Tracing While a Masking Job is Executing (KBA6127)
Delphix Environment Hosts and Anti-Virus or Endpoint Security Software (KBA8490)
Delphix Reporting 1.5 Cannot Communicate with Delphix Engines if SHA Ciphers Have Been Disabled (KBA8255)
Delphix Virtualization Engine Web Services API Examples (KBA6927)
PKIX Path Building Failed Message When Attempting to Upload Support Logs From Delphix Engine (KBA8425)
root.sh Execution Fails on Oracle Home Mounted on Delphix vFiles (AppData, Unstructured Files) NFS Mount (KBA8481)
Troubleshooting "Bequeath connection to database 'XYZ' failed. TCP fallback connection is active." (KBA8428)
Column and Data Level Profiling (KBA1008)
Inventory Import and Export (KBA1815)
dSource Creation Fails with 'ORA-01882: timezone region not found' (KBA6700)
Resolving "FILESTREAM DIRECTORY NAME" Errors During VDB Provision and Refresh Operations (KBA7189)
Algorithm: Secure Lookup (SL) (KBA1243)
MSSQL Hook Login Fails When Connecting Over Network Not Allowing AD Authentication (KBA1534)
Resolving iscsicli Error "Access is denied 0x5 occurred while reading the console output buffer" During Environment Add or Refresh (KBA7431)
Stay safe and well,
Michael#kba #knowledgebase