The following list of Knowledge Base articles have been generated or significantly updated in the month of November. Please review the list for articles which affect your environments.
Amending the Oracle spfile if a VDB instance fails to start due to incorrect parameters (KBA10510)
Provisioning VDBs to a SQL Server failover cluster in Azure fails due to BitLocker (KBA10507)
Certificate Basics (KBA10543)
Delphix support on Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Standalone Server (KBA10579)
How to Investigate Certificates (UNIX//Linux) (KBA10528)
How to Investigate Certificates (Windows) (KBA10541)
Executing SQL in a PowerShell Hook Script (KBA1370)
ORA-28311 Error After Refreshing an Encrypted VDB (KBA9615)
Analyze Non-Conforming Data in Masking (KBA5039)
Collecting Diagnostics from Oracle Hosts for Delphix Support Cases (KBA1763)
Masking a Column With a Primary Key (PK) (KBA1776)
Masking an IDENTITY Column (KBA7266)
Delphix Environment Hosts and Antivirus / Endpoint Security Software (KBA8490)
Casting Values Before Masking (KBA1580)
Inheritance of database properties during SQL Server VDB operations (KBA6278)
Azure Linux Agent Functionality (KBA1405)
List Indexes, Constraints, and Triggers on Oracle (KBA5852)
Algorithm: Date Shift (KBA7105)
Masking Inventory Import and Export (KBA1815)
Algorithm: Repeat First Digit (ZIP-4) (KBA4071)
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