For an architecture I would suggest the following.
In this architecture you create a virtual database Stage and connect Delphix Masking Engine to the Stage VDB and mask it. After masking (and all other security operations are completed in the Stage VDB, you provision new vDBs from Stage, as many as you like. And all the VDBs provisioned from Stage would be secure databases.
You can automate the refresh of Stage VDB and you can also automatically run Masking Engine and right after refresh, which means that you will always have latest secure data in Stage.
The Self Service structure is to be created for Dev, Test and Lower Environment systems, and Self Service users can refresh and manage their data as they prefer.
With this architecture when a Self Service user refreshes their vDB, they will get the latest secure data that is available in Stage VDB, and since this is a clone of a clone operation, it will complete much faster than a "provision+masking" operation.

I hope this clarifies things for you.
Rahim Cetinel
Solution Architect | Delphix Blackbelt
Original Message:
Sent: 05-12-2022 03:16:43 AM
From: Rahim Cetinel
Subject: Refresh mask data from production to lower Environment
Hi Raj,
Can you please clarify where you connected Delphix Masking Engine? Is the masked database a virtual database or is it a Production database?
Rahim Cetinel
Solution Architect | Delphix Blackbelt
Original Message:
Sent: 05-12-2022 03:09:36 AM
From: Raj Kumar
Subject: Refresh mask data from production to lower Environment
Hi Rahim.
We have not created any VDB . we have completed masking process using Delphix masking Engine.
Now customer expect prod refresh mask data to lower environment whenever they need .
For this requirement , what are the process we need to take .
Thanks & Regards,
Raj kumar R
GRS IT Test Data Management
Original Message:
Sent: 5/12/2022 3:17:00 AM
From: Rahim Cetinel
Subject: RE: Refresh mask data from production to lower Environment
Hi Raj,
Would you explain your Delphix and vDB architecture a bit. It would really help.
Do you ingest from Prod and create a vDB and then give it as Lower Environment?
Or do you have a Stage VDB where you would perform masking and other security operations and then create another vDB from the Stage VDB as Lower Environment?
In both cases, there's solution but in first case, it would take time for the end users to be able to start using the Environment where in the second case, they can refresh their vDB very quickly from Self Service.
Rahim Cetinel
Solution Architect | Delphix Blackbelt
Original Message:
Sent: 05-10-2022 03:46:05 PM
From: Raj Kumar
Subject: Refresh mask data from production to lower Environment
Hi Team,
we have completed Data making process for RDS oracle.
Customer now expected Refresh mask data from production to lower Environment.
can we able to achieve self service for this?
if yes, can you anyone provide step by step process.
Raj Kumar
Data Engineer
Liberty Mutual Insurance Company