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  • 1.  Landshark2.0 Demo - NFS mount broken after vFiles refresh

    Posted 01-09-2015 02:07:00 PM

    I'm trying to test "After Refresh Run Shel Command script" in Landshark2.0 Demo environment. I'm provisioning vFiles dSource. Unfortunately it seems there is a problem with refreshing provisioned vFiles. After refreshing I get following error:


    mount -l shows  on /data/u01/delphix2data/myapp1_6 type nfs (rw,hard,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,vers=3,nointr,timeo=600,tcp,actimeo=600,port=2049,addr=
    I tried to unmount it and mount it again, but I get

    mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting
    I think this is a known bug mentioned here in

    My Delphix engine is

    Is there any workaround to this problem?



  • 2.  RE: Landshark2.0 Demo - NFS mount broken after vFiles refresh

    Posted 01-09-2015 02:38:00 PM
    Hey Piotr, this can happen if you reboot or shutdown your delphix engine unexpectedly while virtual databases are in use, etc. The best way to resolve this is to just reboot the Linux Target VM. If it hangs at shutting down, use the VMWare controls to "reset" the VM. Happens all the time in these laptop types of environments.

  • 3.  RE: Landshark2.0 Demo - NFS mount broken after vFiles refresh
    Best Answer

    Posted 01-09-2015 02:42:00 PM
    Ahhh, and now that I cleared the junk out of my eyes, I better understand your issue. The reason why this can occur in your instance is either because a process was still running when you executed the refresh or perhaps you had an SSH session open and were sitting in the vFiles directory some where. 

    try this command to see what the culprit is:
    fuser /data/u01/delphix2data/myapp1_6

    That should give you a process number that you can look at. If it says bash or sh, that usually means that a console session is sitting somewhere in that mount point. (Can't unmount file systems that are in use). 

  • 4.  RE: Landshark2.0 Demo - NFS mount broken after vFiles refresh

    Posted 01-09-2015 03:40:00 PM
    Thanks Adam! As you said most probably my ssh session was interfering with process remounting the folder. I tested it again and it is working now.

    What I have done?
    1. Closed all ssh sessions to target environment.
    2. Just in case rebooted target env.
    3. Provisioned new vFiles.
    4. Refreshed provisioned vFiles.
    5. Opened ssh session to target and checked mounted location. It is mounted and files are visible.

    Now it is perfectly OK! Thanks for help!


  • 5.  RE: Landshark2.0 Demo - NFS mount broken after vFiles refresh
    Best Answer

    Posted 01-09-2015 03:49:00 PM
    Glad it's working out for you! To help clarify for anyone who stumbles across this thread, Delphix provisions your files and databases to the Linux systems via NFS. So, if you remove the nfs mount while files are in use (not stopping a process running from those files or sitting in a child directory of your mount point) via a refresh, delete, or reboot of the Delphix engine, you will will end up with stale NFS handles. The easiest way to clean this up is to reboot the offending VM. But, you can also try and "suss it out."

    fuser /foo/bar/mount

    should return any processes using that mount point. You can then kill them.

    sudo umount -f /foo/bar/mount

    For the most part, that should resolve the issues. But, if that fails, reboot. :)
