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Tip of the Day: Changing IP addresses for Source and Target Environments

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  • 1.  Tip of the Day: Changing IP addresses for Source and Target Environments

    Posted 10-17-2014 04:36:00 PM
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    For Source Environments
    1. Disable the dSource
    2. If the Host Address field contains an IP address, edit the IP address.
    3. If the Host Address field contains a host name, update your Domain Name Server to associate the new IP address to the host name. The Delphix Engine will automatically detect the change within a few minutes.
    4. In the Environments screen of the Delphix Engine, refresh the host.
    5. Enable the dSource.
    For VDB Target Environments
    1. Disable the VDB
    2. If the Host Address field contains an IP address, edit the IP address.
    3. If the Host Address field contains a host name, update your Domain Name Server to associate the new IP address to the host name. The Delphix Engine will automatically detect the change within a few minutes.
    4. In the Environments screen of the Delphix Engine, refresh the host.
    5. Enable the VDB.