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  • 1.  VNN vs. cluster name for source

    Posted 01-19-2016 09:14:00 PM
    Hi, I've been going through the documentation for adding a MS SQL AG cluster as a source. The doco says to use the 'cluster' name. I have a feeling they may mean the VNN. Can anyone steer me straight on this? generally the cluster name is something that really only the WFSC cluster uses, and the VNN is the name that everyone uses(for instance, if you have sqlguyA and sqlguyB, your cluster name might be sqlguy_clst, and your VNN might be 'sqlguy'. Users would connect to 'sqlguy'; that being the VNN.

  • 2.  RE: VNN vs. cluster name for source
    Best Answer

    Posted 01-19-2016 09:33:00 PM
    Hi Kevin,

    The documentation is correct. When adding an AG cluster, you do use the cluster name and not the VNN to add the environment. Once the environment is added, the Delphix Engine will list all of the AGs, that have Listeners, that are running on the SQL instances on that cluster.

    So for example, if you had two SQL instances running in the cluster and both had AGs with Listeners, both SQL instances would be listed in the GUI. Or. if you had just once clustered SQL instance with two AGs, both of those would be listed.

    Hope that helps!

  • 3.  RE: VNN vs. cluster name for source

    Posted 01-20-2016 02:21:00 PM
    Outstanding explanation Darin- thanks a ton. Totally clears it up. The additional information in the example helps understand why the cluster name and not the VNN. The way we do our AG's here, it's basically 1-1 for instances to clusters, but of course it doesn't have to be that way. So very much appreciated!