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Redo / Undo / Archive logs from Source database for Oracle Flashback

  • 1.  Redo / Undo / Archive logs from Source database for Oracle Flashback

    Posted 08-13-2016 07:19:00 AM
    Does the the Delphix dSource include the redo & undo logs from Source database? We would like to utilize the Oracles Flashback functionality on top of the virtualized database - like rolling back a specific transaction & its dependents without impacting other transactions in the VDB.

    If the dSource includes redo & undo logs from Source (physical) database, can we maintain them with Delphix specific retention or they run on the Source Oracle retention policy for redo + undo?

  • 2.  RE: Redo / Undo / Archive logs from Source database for Oracle Flashback
    Best Answer

    Posted 08-16-2016 07:15:00 PM
    Hi RanjeethRao -

    Using a dSource, when you spin off a VDB in archivelog, you should be able to use Flashback Transaction Query making sure appropriate UNDO* (UNDO_MANAGEMENT, UNDO_TABLESPACE & UNDO_RETENTION) parameters are set right on that VDB.

    VDB Snapshot Policy itself will take care of maintaining appropriate retentions of both Snapshots and Archivelogs of the VDB's. You don't have separate VDB retention policy.

    Hope this helps.
