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  • 1.  Delphix+server+sizing

    Posted 12-08-2014 08:46:00 AM
    In document vCPUs should be fully reserved to ensure that the Delphix Engine does not compete for CPU cycles on an over-committed host.
    Practically how to size the delphix server's CPU and memory?
    Maybe it will depend on the source data size , number of VDB , snapshot interval and tps for VDB.
    I need some detail guidelines,,

  • 2.  RE: Delphix+server+sizing
    Best Answer

    Posted 12-08-2014 12:03:00 PM

    You are right, there are a myriad of factors involved here. Each Delphix license allows the customer to use 8 vcpus with Delphix. The recommended minimum memory for that instance is 128GB (but the more memory, the generally better performance). You can roughly factor 4 production applications per engine. As you mentioned though, the precise Delphix requirements (how many engines, how much memory, etc) require a lot more detail. I think that is far beyond the scope of a forum post. I would advise you to reach out to your Delphix contact to have this deeper discussion with you to help you.