Hello Thom,
Thank you for contacting us.
The direct migration of Oracle dSource from SPARC to x86_64 processes is not supported due to byte-order differences between the two processor architectures. SPARC (big-endian) and x86_64 (little-endian). For example a SPARC dSource must provision a VDB to a SPARC environment, not to a x86_64 environment.
Please see this document for more information on our compatiblity:
https://docs.delphix.com/display/DOCS50/Supported+Operating+Systems+and+DBMS+Versions+for+Oracle+Env...-Also is Solaris x86 supported by Delphix?
As seen in the above document Solaris [10U5 - 10U11, 11U1, 11U2] is supported on x86_64
Please feel free to contact me or support if you have any further questions.
Kind Regards.
Adam Smith.