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  • 1.  How do I set individual snap sync policies for SQL Server?

    Posted 10-27-2015 07:01:00 PM
    I know I can set a Snapsync policy for my oracle dSources but we are currently testing SQL as well and we are wondering is there a way to set individual policies for our SQL dSources? I see that it is possible to set at a group level?

  • 2.  RE: How do I set individual snap sync policies for SQL Server?
    Best Answer

    Posted 10-27-2015 07:51:00 PM
    As you know, for SQL Server, Delphix takes a Snapshot every time there is a tlog backup and currently the only way to set a Snapsync policy for SQL dSources is if you had enabled Delphix">">Delphix Managed Backups on linking, you could set individual Snapsync policies on the dSources. If you did not initially set this up then Delphix would only create a Snapshot when you have your next FULL or DIFF backup.
    Hope that helps!