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  • 1.  Need to Create jdbc connection string using sysbackup against Physical Standby for dSource Setup

    Posted 06-23-2021 09:55:00 AM
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    I'm in a process of creating a dSource from Physical Standby, I've a non-SYS user which has SYSBACKUP role/priv granted. I was able to validate the TNS String via GUI with "as sysbackup".

    Now when I add dSource and in Access Credential validation, the username doesn't allows to use "as sysbackup", kind of stuck any suggestions or workaround ? 

    I've attached the snippet for quick reference. 

    Sharad Gupta

  • 2.  RE: Need to Create jdbc connection string using sysbackup against Physical Standby for dSource Setup
    Best Answer

    Posted 06-23-2021 11:30:00 AM
    Sharad, when Delphix links it uses an operating system user, not a database user.  It's the operating system user which must have the required permissions.  Delphix will use this OS user to initiate backups via RMAN.

    Oracle has both OS and Database Authentication features.  We have to use OS authentication, not Database authentication.  The most common use of OS authentication is logging in as user "oracle" and doing "sqlplus sys as sysdba".  Note that no password is needed, because you are already authenticated by logging into the operating system as "oracle".

    Typically Delphix customers will create a new OS user called "delphix" or "delphix_os" and put it in the same group as Oracle to inherit the right OS authenticated database permissions.  As of 12c, you can leverage the OSBACKUPDBA group.

    Please check out

    I also highly recommend this little shortcut:

    Ranzo Taylor
    Technical Services Director

  • 3.  RE: Need to Create jdbc connection string using sysbackup against Physical Standby for dSource Setup

    Posted 06-24-2021 07:42:00 AM
    • We have moved our production DB from x86 to Exadata with encryption.
    • Being that the DB has been moved in this way we cannot use our old dSource and need to build a new one.
    • We have set up a new environment for the Exadata source with a new OS ID
    • We're currently attempting to set up the dSource with the production DB
    • Here's where we've run into the issue ….

              For access, we've taken the DB ID we've already been using for Delphix and added the SYSBACKUP role to it.
             so far OS ID : uid=684275(gps_dphx) gid=273(dba) groups=273(dba),2714(asmadmin),2711(asmdba),2289(oinstall)
             new OS ID : uid=495153(gps_delp) gid=273(dba) groups=273(dba),2714(asmadmin),2711(asmdba),2289(oinstall),8912(exa_access_delphix_mr)

    • When we attempt to verify it while building the dSource, it fails … 
    • If we go to the Environment window and connect by using clicking the check mark next to the connection string and list the user ID as "OUR_ID AS SYSBACKUP",  it works.  However …
    • If we try the same in the window building the dSource, it doesn't allow us to add "AS SYSBACKUP".  The verification fails with ..

    Sharad Gupta