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  • 1.  Date Algorithm with Fixed value

    Posted 04-06-2020 09:25:00 AM
    Hello All,
      I am new to the Delphix Masking. I have a requirement to mask the date value and the output should be 15th of that month. example yyyy-mm-15. so what type of data algorithm should be used.  my source file is the flat file with  fixed delimiter

    Thanks In Advance.


    ETL Dveloper
    Genworth Financial

  • 2.  RE: Date Algorithm with Fixed value
    Best Answer

    Posted 04-06-2020 05:52:00 PM
    Hi Geetha,

    Thanks for the question. There is no Out-of-the-Box algorithm that meets your exact requirement. I would look at these options though.

    1. Look at the 'Date Shift - DISCRETE' algorithm. This will leave 'yyyy-mm' as is but will set a random value (the same each time). There is no way to set so that this value is 15. 
    2. There might be possible to get Segment Mapping (SM) to work here. The trick is to get the segment long enough and input values need to be cast. 
    3. Get Technical Service to create a Custom Algorithm.

    Option 1 is the best option - please find more information here:

    If you have a strict requirement on the 15th - then Option 3, Technical Service to create a Custom Algorithm, is the only way. 

    Hope this helps. Happy to help if you have questions. 

    Kind regards,

    Anders Karlsson
    Delphix Support

  • 3.  RE: Date Algorithm with Fixed value

    Posted 04-07-2020 01:51:00 AM
    You can also provide a fixed date using SL and use a standard date time format:  
    "2019-03-15T00:00:00.000" or "2019-03-15T00:00:00"

    For file you can use the same string structure as the file. 
    To be able to change just the DD part of date you need a custom algorithm.

    Out of the box support for date:

    Fixed (fixed +7days)
    Discrete (random value between + and - 7 days)
    Variable (any day of same month)

    Tino Pironti
    Technical Services

  • 4.  RE: Date Algorithm with Fixed value

    Posted 05-13-2020 09:25:00 AM
    Thank  you  all for the replies. we are going with the Date Variable option.


    Business Objects Developer
    Genworth Financial