dxmc ruleset addmeta --rulesetname RULESET_NAME --envname ENVIRONMENT_NAME --metaname TABLE_NAME
--rulesetname TEXT Ruleset name where table or file will be
added [required]
--envname TEXT Environment name where ruleset exist
--metaname TEXT Name of table or file to add to ruleset
--custom_sql TEXT Custom SQL specified for table
--where_clause TEXT Where clause specified for table
--having_clause TEXT Having clause specified for table
--key_column TEXT Key column specified for table
--file_format TEXT File format of added file
--file_delimiter TEXT Delimited used in added file
--file_eor [linux|windows|custom]
End of record used in file. For custom value
file_eor_custom is needed
--file_eor_custom TEXT Custom end of record in added file
--file_enclosure TEXT Enclosure of fields in added file
--file_name_regex Flag is file name is a regular expression
and not a singlefile name
--inputfile FILENAME Name and path of CSV file used to load
--fromconnector Add tables fetched from connector filtered
by filter if fetchfilter is specified
--fetchfilter TEXT Filter metadata fetched from connector ( *
is allowed as a wildcard, ex. EMP* to load
all tables started with EMP)
--bulk Use bulk method to add medatata from file or
connector table list
--format [fixed|csv|json] Output format
--engine TEXT Engine name
--debug Enables debug mode.
--logfile TEXT Logfile path and name
--help Show this message and exit.
You can always add --help argument to get all options for a specific command.
BR .. Tino