Thank you Matthew. This is what I had thought as well, so what I did is following :
On the vDB, take a new snapshot on 26.07
Change the retention policy on the vDB to 0 days --> Which means only last snapshot on 26.07 is needed
Go back to dSource and try to delete the snapshot from 19.07, from which the vDB was initially provisioned, but later I had taken the new snapshot on 25.07 and then refreshed the container which has the vDB from self-service.
Still, I can't delete the 19.07 snapshot on the dSource -- Still same error that vDB is dependent on that.
Original Message:
Sent: 07-26-2019 09:00:35 AM
From: Matthew Griffith
Subject: Snapshots and Self-Service Refresh
Hi Mayank,
What's the retention period on the VDB? I suspect it is the default of 7 days so the VDB still requires that snapshot. If you reduce the retention period you should be able to delete it.
Matthew Griffith
Principal Consultant and Trainer
Kuzo Data
Original Message:
Sent: 07-25-2019 06:39:12 AM
From: Mayank Ahluwalia
Subject: Snapshots and Self-Service Refresh
#virtualization #self_service #self-service
Hi All,
I wanted to understand the working in the following scenario :
- In the management app, I create a dSource with initial ingeation on June 26.
- Then, I take another snapshot on July 19
- At this point, I provision a vDB from the July 19, snapshot
- In Self-Service, I then create a data template having the dSource as the source
- I define a container and the vDB created above is added to that
- I then go back to Management App, and for the dSource, take another snapshot on July 25
- I go back to Self-Service App, i refresh the container
- This would mean the vDB is now refreshed from the latest snapshot on the dSource, i.e, the one on July 25th
- I go back to management app, and i try to delete the snapshot from July 19
- Here is where i get the error citing "Dependent vDB exists - cannot delete the snapshot"
Question - Once the vDB is refreshed from the latest snapshot on July 25, why is the July 19 snapshot still needed ? And since it should not be needed, should it not allow me to delete that ?