Hi Bhupinder, DB2 Z/OS masking is similar to masking any other relational DBMS data once you have the connector enabled as detailed in the link Adam provided. There are fewer options on the job creation dialogue for the convenience check boxes for DB2 (indexes, constraints, triggers) but a masking inventory will be applied in exactly the same manner and data produced by the algorithms will be identical to the other DBMS's.
Mainframe file masking is different mainly because mainframe data employs EBCDIC encoding. The File - Mainframe connector is included in the base product and performs the conversion of the data into a format that can be masked consistently by the masking engine (ME) so data produced by the algorithms will be consistent with masked data produced on other platforms. Delphix File masking setup is different from DB masking since metadata must be provided by the user rather than the DBMS; an extra step to provide the file format is required. The connector determines the type of file format required; fixed, delimited, XML for ASCII data and copybook for EBCDIC data.
It's possible to convert mainframe data from EBCDIC to ASCII (many file transfer products support this) which allows more flexibility in the definition of the record types. ASCII file masking functionality allow definition of multiple record types (in the inventory) which support variable formats - supporting application of algorithms to different positions within the file. Processing of various record types in a mainframe file is supported via redefines clauses in the copybook but this is not as flexible in that the redefines do not always exist in the copybook.
USS can be exploited for masking EBCDIC data since USS simulates an HFS directory (required for Delphix file connectors) where data does not have to be converted to ASCII. This method also allows the data to be masked on the mainframe Sysplex (obviating need to move data off mainframe; OCOPY will support this, HFS directory must exist prior to use
https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSLTBW_2.4.0/com.ibm.zos.v2r4.bpxa500/tsoocopy.htmIf an NFS server is running on Z/OS it can be configured to handle the connection from Delphix directly to mainframe disk obviating the need to move the files to HFS
https://www-01.ibm.com/servers/resourcelink/svc00100.nsf/pages/zosv2r3sc236883/$file/idan400_v2r3.pdfI've tested this and it works; security on the mainframe was not active during my testing, that would have to be worked out with the security team managing access to mainframe data. There are also third party products that manage the Delphix mainframe file connectors
Robert Patten
Principal Data Privacy Specialist
Delphix Community Members
Original Message:
Sent: 09-10-2020 07:47:56 AM
From: Bhupinder Kwatra
Subject: Data Masking for Mainframe
Also,can you please help with the detailed steps that need to be done for a flat file residing on DASD.
1.) Any conversion needed for that PS file to HFS before doing OCOPY/OPUT ?
2.) Copy the DASD file to USS ?
3.) Do we need to create directory and empty file on USS before copying?
4.) Which connector to use in delphix for USS connection ?
Bhupinder Kwatra
Delphix Community Members
Original Message:
Sent: 09-09-2020 09:50:54 PM
From: Bhupinder Kwatra
Subject: Data Masking for Mainframe
Thanks Adam for the response.
I read in one the blog post that Delphix can connect to mainframe flat files residing on DASD via NFS server which was one time configuration on the z/os.
Could you please confirm if this is rolled out and the process of using the same
Bhupinder Kwatra
Delphix Community Members
Original Message:
Sent: 09-09-2020 11:29:18 AM
From: Adam Smith
Subject: Data Masking for Mainframe
Hello Bhupinder,
Please see my answers below:
1. I believe you would need to move the file to USS then we could use sftp for example.
2. Yes, it can connect directly to the Database, you would need to ensure you have the correct Licence. More info here: https://maskingdocs.delphix.com/Getting_Started/Db2_Connector_License_Installation/
Your account manager should be able to provide specifics.
Can you please share the common issues that are encountered while performing the above connection?
Licencing and Firewalls tend to be the most common issues around getting a successful connection.
Please let me know if you have any further questions.
Thank you
Adam Smith
Member of Technical Staff
Original Message:
Sent: 09-09-2020 10:19:21 AM
From: Bhupinder Kwatra
Subject: Data Masking for Mainframe
Hi Adam,
Thanks for the response. However ,I wanted to know -
1.) Can delphix directly connect to a fixed file(PS) residing on DASD(Z/OS). If yes , how ?
As far as I know ,we need to move the file to USS.
2.) With the DB2 connector , can delphix directly communicate to the DB2 on z/os ?
Can you please share the common issues that are encountered while performing the above connection?
Bhupinder Kwatra
Bhupinder Kwatra
Delphix Community Members
Original Message:
Sent: 09-09-2020 09:57:15 AM
From: Adam Smith
Subject: Data Masking for Mainframe
Hello Bhupinder,
Thank you for reaching out to the Delphix community.
Instructions for installing the mainframe connector can be found here: https://maskingdocs.delphix.com/Getting_Started/Db2_Connector_License_Installation/
I hope this is helpful, please let me know if this is what you are looking for.
Adam Smith
Member of Technical Staff
Original Message:
Sent: 09-09-2020 08:37:57 AM
From: Bhupinder Kwatra
Subject: Data Masking for Mainframe
Can someone shared the required info please ..
Bhupinder Kwatra
Delphix Community Members
Original Message:
Sent: 09-08-2020 12:20:55 PM
From: Bhupinder Kwatra
Subject: Data Masking for Mainframe
We are trying to mask Mainframe z/os Flat files and db2. I went thru the documentation but didn't find much info on the connection part. Can you please share available methodologies an process to connect to mainframe from delphix?
Bhupinder Kwatra
Delphix Community Members