Delphix Toolkits (dxToolkit and dxmToolkit)

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Argument "NA" isn't numeric in multiplication (*) at /tmp/par-64656c70686978/cache-4f5630f424b7b62b29a6e992620a0bc19ad40e2c/inc/lib/

  • 1.  Argument "NA" isn't numeric in multiplication (*) at /tmp/par-64656c70686978/cache-4f5630f424b7b62b29a6e992620a0bc19ad40e2c/inc/lib/

    Posted 04-03-2024 08:04:00 AM

    hi all,

    We are facing issue while running one dxtool kit command like below.

    ./dx_get_dsourcesize -d Engine002
    # Delphix can automatically calculate the usage for Oracle, SQL Server and ASE databases for each Delphix Engine.
    # For other databases, and before the source is connected to the Delphix Engine
    # you will need to run a query on the source system for the relevant data.
    Argument "NA" isn't numeric in multiplication (*) at /tmp/par-64656c70686978/cache-4f5630f424b7b62b29a6e992620a0bc19ad40e2c/inc/lib/ line 967.

    Appliance Env name Group Database Size [GB] Status Enabled
    ---------- -------------------- --------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------
    Engine002 N/A xdhfd13c***_upp UPPE@ovahfdodlx007-3 0.00 NA N/A
    Engine002 xdhfd15cn08_mudi_Sou xdhfd15cn08_mud GB4P 6071.57 RUNNING enabled

    In the Above xdhfd13c***_upp UPPE@ovahfdodlx007-3 is not even mapped to engine002. so can you tell me why this is giving result like the above. please provide your analysis on this issue.


    sasidhar akkichetty
    Community Member
    Hartford Fire Insurance Company

  • 2.  RE: Argument "NA" isn't numeric in multiplication (*) at /tmp/par-64656c70686978/cache-4f5630f424b7b62b29a6e992620a0bc19ad40e2c/inc/lib/

    Posted 04-04-2024 03:51:00 PM


    That looks like the type of output you get from a replication namespace. After the "@" symbol is the name of the engine it received the replicated data from.

    In the below output, I replicated from "neal2100" to "neal1800":

    ./dx_get_dsourcesize --engine neal1800

    Appliance  Env name             Group           Database                       Size [GB]                      Status                         Enabled
    ---------- -------------------- --------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------
    neal1800   nealrh83             ASE             bigdb                                5.98                     RUNNING                        enabled
    neal1800   nealrh83             ASE             vFile                                0.00                     RUNNING                        enabled
    neal1800   nealmongotgt.dlpxdc. Mongo           mongosrc                             0.00                     UNKNOWN                        enabled
    neal1800   NA                   MSSQL@neal2100. dsource_push@neal2100.dcol2-5        0.00                     NA                             N/A
    neal1800   NA                   MSSQL@neal2100. McLaren@neal2100.dcol2-5             0.00                     NA                             N/A  



    Neal Stack
    Senior Principal Technical Support Engineer