Hi Jim,
Eyal answer is correct but not in all cases. The question is what you want to see. Time Point field is showing a parent timeflow of the VDB. In the simple case if you just created or refreshed an object - Time Point is showing a parent database point in time used for provision or refresh.
But if you run a rollback operation, same Time Point field will display a parent timeflow of our rollback operation - which is not your parent database but your same VDB.
dx_get_db_env - parent snapshot is always displaying a Parent object snapshot used for creation or refresh - this will be equal to Time Point for for creation / refresh operation ( not sure about timezone )
dx_get_hierarchy - will display dSource snapshot used for VDB
dx_get_vdbsize - this will display all hierarchy of the timeflows so you can use it as well
Marcin Przepiorowski
Director, Technical Services
Original Message:
Sent: 03-08-2023 03:15:14 AM
From: Eyal Kaspi
Subject: dxtoolkit command to extract the Time Point field
I believe that dx_get_hierarchy displays this as "dS snapshot", so the combination of dx_get_hierarchy and "grep" might give you what you need
Eyal Kaspi
Principal Engineer
Original Message:
Sent: 03-07-2023 10:45:09 AM
From: Jim Thompson
Subject: dxtoolkit command to extract the Time Point field
whilst I tackle with the joys of REST API, has anyone got a simple dxtoolkit command to extract the contents of the Time Point field sown under the <STATUS> Tab for a vdb ?
I need to extract it out into a sql script I am creating.
Jim Thompson
Data Engineer
FWD View Limited