Hi Johnley-
It may be good to see examples of what exactly you're encountering- in my own instance, I can see my Oracle and AppData datasets snapshots timestamped to the second in
dx_get_snapshots output, and they match the UI timestamps. Keep in mind, however, the times will be rendered in this example in EST, though the Snapshot name will be in GMT and sometimes
slightly offset from the start time by seconds.
Sean Nothdurft
Senior Principal Technical Support Engineer
Original Message:
Sent: 01-18-2023 04:51:30 PM
From: Johnley Li
Subject: How to get exact timestamp of a snapshot
In Delphix GUI console, we can list the timeflow of a specific VDB, under each timeflow, we can see the list of snapshot (with camera icon) of that timeflow. Each snapshot comes with timestamp accurate up to minutes instead of seconds; Can we get the exact timestamp of the snapshot accurate up to seconds by toolkit CLI or by any means? I tried dx_get_snapshots but couldn't see any snapshot matching the time listed in GUI.
I am looking for that timestamp because I need to give that value to the parameter "timestamp" of dx_v2p CLI to provision a physical database. I need to setup dx_v2p instead of through GUI for automation purpose.
Thank you for any input/consultation.
Johnley Li
HSBC Canada