The following list of Knowledge Base articles have been generated or significantly updated in the month of January. Please review the list for articles which affect your environments.
Masking File - Row Limit and Feedback Size (KBA10636)
Using SQL Server Dynamic Data Masking with the Continuous Data Engine (KBA10533)
Using SQL Server Dynamic Data Masking with the Continuous Compliance Engine (KBA10534)
AWS Elastic Data Engine Fails to Boot After Instance Change (KBA10595)
TB113 Continuous Data Engine May Become Unresponsive During Migration to Elastic Data
TB114 Delphix Engine May Fail to Reboot Following Upgrade
Requesting VMware ESXi logs (KBA1460)
Troubleshooting High CPU on Windows Hosts Caused by PowerShell Processes (KBA10705)
Refreshing or Provisioning an Oracle VDB from an SCN (KBA10664)
Changes to Upgrade Behavior from Version to (KBA10709)
SQL Server ERRORLOG Entries During VDB Provision and Refresh Operations (KBA10716)
Masking a Column with a Unique Constraint or Index (KBA7943)
Configuring the Masking Engine for LDAP/Active Directory Authentication (KBA1787)
Delphix Storage Migration and Oracle Cloud (OCI) (KBA7909)
#kba #knowledgebase
------------------------------Michael TorokDigital Customer Experience, Senior DirectorDelphix------------------------------