Hi John-
You'll want to review the command usage for
dx_ctl_db which (implied by its title) offers control over datasets. The documentation page for this command includes help output (copied below) and usage examples.
dx_ctl_db [ -engine|d <delphix identifier> | -all ] [ -configfile file ]
[ -group group_name | -name db_name | -host host_name | -type dsource|vdb | -instancename instname | -olderthan date | -dsource dsource_name | -envname env_name]
[-instance inst_no][-reponame repository_name]
<-action start|stop|enable|disable>
[-restore filename]
[-force false|onfailure|only]
[-parallel n]
[-help|? ]
[-debug ]
The usage is pretty straight-forward:
~/work/dxtoolkit/dxtoolkit2$ ./dx_ctl_db -d sean6015 -action stop -name VCDO_8EU
Stopping database VCDO_8EU.
Starting job JOB-52 for database VCDO_8EU.
0 - 36 - 100
Job JOB-52 finished with state: COMPLETED
Hope this helps! The documentation pages are really the best resource for command usage, and the -help option is always available as well to confirm with your current installation.
Sean Nothdurft
Senior Principal Technical Support Engineer
Original Message:
Sent: 07-23-2022 05:45:56 AM
Subject: stop and start VDB with the toolkit
Hi Team,
We have one requirement for the dxtoolkit CLI.
We need to be able to stop (shutdown) a VDB and then start it up using the dxtoolkit CLI.
If possible, please could anyone paste any example syntax to show how to do this.
ie the equivalent command to;
srvctl stop/start database.
Thanks in advance for any help with this.
Best regards,
London Stock Exchange Group