Yes, internal name can be duplicate .. only algorithm_cd (internal) is unique ...--
Tino PirontiTechnical Manager Professional Services | Delphix | | | | |
Original Message:
Sent: 9/24/2022 5:16:00 AM
From: Ruchit Doshi
Subject: RE: Updating Masking Algorithms using API
Hi TIno,
Thanks alot for the mapping.
You mentioned Algorithm Codes are unique, while Algorithm names are not so is there a possibility that we can have two Algorithms like - YOURName & YourNAME ?
Ruchit Doshi
Original Message:
Sent: 09-23-2022 03:40:13 AM
From: Tino Pironti
Subject: Updating Masking Algorithms using API
Hello Ruchit,
I don't see a way to find the external name in API.
When you create a new instance the only difference is that the external name is all uppercase
(internal: YourName > external : YOURNAME) whereas internal name allows mixed case.
The amount of case with completely different names is limited to some of the OUT OF THE BOX instances,
suggest you just create a little map that has all the out of the box instance with internal/external name.
There are considerations to remove the external name and use only one name > but that is not yet the case.
Current MAP in DXM:
mapping = {
"AccNoLookup": "ACCOUNT SL",
"AccountTK": "ACCOUNT_TK",
"AddrLine2Lookup": "ADDRESS LINE 2 SL",
"AddrLookup": "ADDRESS LINE SL",
"BusinessLegalEntityLookup": "BUSINESS LEGAL ENTITY SL",
"CommentLookup": "COMMENT SL",
"CreditCard": "CREDIT CARD",
"DateShiftDiscrete": "DATE SHIFT(DISCRETE)",
"DateShiftFixed": "DATE SHIFT(FIXED)",
"DateShiftVariable": "DATE SHIFT(VARIABLE)",
"DrivingLicenseNoLookup": "DR LICENSE SL",
"DummyHospitalNameLookup": "DUMMY_HOSPITAL_NAME_SL",
"EmailLookup": "EMAIL SL",
"FirstNameLookup": "FIRST NAME SL",
"FullNMLookup": "FULL_NM_SL",
"LastNameLookup": "LAST NAME SL",
"LastCommaFirstLookup": "LAST_COMMA_FIRST_SL",
"NameTK": "NAME_TK",
"NullValueLookup": "NULL SL",
"TelephoneNoLookup": "PHONE SL",
"RandomValueLookup": "RANDOM_VALUE_SL",
"SchoolNameLookup": "SCHOOL NAME SL",
"SecureShuffle": "SECURE SHUFFLE",
"SsnTK": "SSN_TK",
"USCountiesLookup": "US_COUNTIES_SL",
"USCitiesLookup": "USCITIES_SL",
"USstatecodesLookup": "USSTATE_CODES_SL",
"USstatesLookup": "USSTATES_SL",
"WebURLsLookup": "WEB_URLS_SL",
"RepeatFirstDigit": "ZIP+4",
With best regards .. Tino
Tino Pironti
Masking SME
Technical Manager
Original Message:
Sent: 09-22-2022 11:43:48 PM
From: Ruchit Doshi
Subject: Updating Masking Algorithms using API
Hi Tino,
Thank you very much for your response.
Our goal is form an automation to make the masking algorithm name changes. Is there a way we can find algorithm_cd (internal name) of an algorithm using an alogrithm name (external name) from API ?
Ruchit Doshi
Original Message:
Sent: 09-22-2022 12:59:52 AM
From: Tino Pironti
Subject: Updating Masking Algorithms using API
Hello Ruchit,
algorithms have an "internal name" (algorithm_cd) and external name (algorithm_name). In the API you need to use the internal name.
If you click on EDIT / EYE icon of the algorithm you can see the internal name, the internal name has a unique constraint.
In the API you will see/use only the internal name.
In the GUI and algorithm drop down menu you see only the external name.
The CSV import/export is using external name.
Hope this helps.
With best regards .. Tino
Tino Pironti
Masking SME
Technical Manager
Original Message:
Sent: 09-21-2022 12:42:06 PM
From: Ruchit Doshi
Subject: Updating Masking Algorithms using API
Hi All,
We are trying to update the masking algorithm applied to Database Ruleset using API.
We are making use of put method of column-metadata. The challenge we have is with respect to Algorithm Name that the API expects versus what we see on the UI
For example - For Inbuilt Algorithm "PHONE SL" the UI shows "PHONE SL" but if we search the same in get algorithm using name, we do not find it. PFB
Alternatively when we update column metadata from API using algorithm name - "TelephoneNoLookup" on Delphix UI we see it as "PHONE SL"
The same is true for various other Algorithms as well
For Example - in API we get "AddrLookup" while on screen we "ADDRESS LINE SL"
is there an API/way where we can find the equivalent names ?
We want to be able to compare the one we have UI / Export Inventory Report with algorithm name we get from column metadata API
Thank you in advance
Ruchit Doshi