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Legacy Database Profiling End of Life

By Claire McManus posted 09-21-2023 04:00:00 PM



The legacy profiler for databases is deprecated as of release 15.0. It will reach End of Life and be removed from Delphix Continuous Compliance in a further twelve months.

This guide explains how to check if you are using the legacy profiler in any profiling jobs and how to update these jobs to use the Automated Sensitive Data Discovery (ASDD) profiler.

This notice does not apply to the legacy profiler for files.

How to identify if you are affected

Using the API

  1. Log into the API client

  2. Call the GET /profile-sets/usage endpoint with the following filters:

    1. profileSetType: LEGACY

    2. connectorType: DATABASE

    3. Any profile sets returned with jobIds are using the legacy profile sets on database connectors. For example:

  "responseList": [
      "profileSetName": "Financial - Legacy",
      "jobIds": [
      "profileSetName": "HIPAA - Legacy",
      "jobIds": []
      "profileSetName": "Standard",
      "jobIds": []

This API response indicates that the Financial - Legacy profile set is being used by job ID 3. For more information about the profile set assignment, set the query parameter includeAssignmentDetail to true when making the API call. This will provide the assignment details as follows for the Financial - Legacy profile set:

"assignmentDetails": [
    "assignmentType": "DATABASE",
    "asddProfileSet": false,
    "environmentName": "testenv",
    "environmentId": 1,
    "jobName": "oracle",
    "jobId": 3,
    "rulesetName": "oracle",
    "rulesetId": 5

New and Improved Functionality

Delphix is deprecating this functionality due to the introduction of a newer profiling capability introduced in Continuous Compliance version 9.0. The Automated Sensitive Data Discovery (ASDD) profiler uses classifiers that expand beyond the current capabilities of the profiler expressions associated with the legacy profiler. Delphix will continue to develop and refine built-in classifiers in future releases.

The following resources provide helpful information on the new ASDD profiler and classifiers:

How to move to the ASDD Profiler

If the above steps show that you are currently using the legacy profiler for database connections, follow these steps to move to the new ASDD profiler:

  1. Choose a classifier-based profile set to replace the current use of a legacy profile set. 

    1. If the HIPAA - Legacy, Financial - Legacy, or Standard profile sets are in use unmodified, we suggest switching to the ASDD Standard profile set as it covers everything in these profile sets plus more. More classifiers are available each release for this profile set as well. More information about upgrading the ASDD Standard profile set can be found here.

    2. If a custom profile set is being used or any of the above profile sets have been customized, a new profile set must be created that contains the desired classifiers. These profile sets can be configured via the UI or API. If the provided classifiers are not sufficient, custom classifiers can be configured via the UI or API. See Managing classifiers for more information on configuring classifiers. If further assistance is needed, please reach out to professional services or your CSM.

      1. To create a new ASDD profile set in the UI, follow the instructions on Adding a Profile Set for the ASDD Profiler

      2. To create a new ASDD profile set in the API, use the endpoint POST /profile-sets with a request similar to the following:

  "profileSetName": "New ASDD Profile Set",
  "classifierIds": [

2. Once you have an ASDD profile set to use, change all uses of the legacy profile set to the new one via the UI or API.

    1. Via UI:

      1. To change the profile set via the UI, navigate to the associated environment and job that uses the profile set. This information can be found in the output of the call to GET /profile-sets/usage described above.

      2. Click the Edit button next to the job and a popup will appear.

      3. In the Profile Sets dropdown, choose the desired ASDD profile set.

      4. Click Save.

    2. Via API:

      1. To change the profile set via the API, navigate to the API client and use the endpoint PUT /profile-jobs/{profileJobId}

      2. Specify the profile job ID.

      3. Provide a request similar to the following where profileSetId is the ID of the desired ASDD profile set:

  "jobName": "oracle2",
  "profileSetId": 1,
  "rulesetId": 5

Once the call to GET /profile-sets/usage endpoint with the profileSetType=LEGACY and connectorType=DATABASE no longer returns any jobs, all database connector profiling jobs using the legacy profiler will have successfully been updated to use the new ASDD profiler.

