As you know per Delphix documentation, during vPDB provisioning, the Delphix Engine creates a temporary CDB instance in the target environment to recover the vPDB to a consistent state. This temporary CDB will be automatically deleted after the vPDB is provisioned successfully.
By default we use init file from production/source container to create this temporal container for recovering.
Normally production containers are bigger than dev/test ones, so if for example your production container is running on a 192GB Server and Target is a 32GB commodity hardware machine you may be in trouble and provision may fail.
Provision/refresh can fail because we don't have enough memory on de dev/test server to create a container as big as the Prod one. Or sometimes we just want to have control on the size of the container that we create.
In order to avoid this issue, we can create a template for this "temporal container". Process may be a little complicated so I would like to post here an example to clarify what we need to do.
Let's imagine that we have 2 Production databases called PROD1 and PROD2 and we want to provision Virtual Pluggable Databases VPROD1 and VPROD2 on targets Target1 and Target2. This is what we have to do:
First step is to create a container with minimal values (or the values you want to have based on your target size). Something like this should be enough:

Once we have the template ready, we need to create 4 repository templates on the CLI
Diegos-MBP:~ diego$ ssh delphix_admin@> repositoryDelphix5160HWv8 repository> templateDelphix5160HWv8 repository template> createDelphix5160HWv8 repository template create *> set name=VPROD1_Target1_TemplateDelphix5160HWv8 repository template create *> set container=PROD1Delphix5160HWv8 repository template create *> set repository=Target1/'/u01/app/oracle/product/'Delphix5160HWv8 repository template create *> set template=Container_TemplateDelphix5160HWv8 repository template create *> commitDelphix5160HWv8 repository template> createDelphix5160HWv8 repository template create *> set name=VPROD2_Target1_TemplateDelphix5160HWv8 repository template create *> set container=PROD2Delphix5160HWv8 repository template create *> set repository=Target1/'/u01/app/oracle/product/'Delphix5160HWv8 repository template create *> set template=Container_TemplateDelphix5160HWv8 repository template create *> commitDelphix5160HWv8 repository template> createDelphix5160HWv8 repository template create *> set name=VPROD1_Target2_TemplateDelphix5160HWv8 repository template create *> set container=PROD1Delphix5160HWv8 repository template create *> set repository=Target2/'/u01/app/oracle/product/'Delphix5160HWv8 repository template create *> set template=Container_TemplateDelphix5160HWv8 repository template create *> commitDelphix5160HWv8 repository template> createDelphix5160HWv8 repository template create *> set name=VPROD2_Target2_TemplateDelphix5160HWv8 repository template create *> set container=PROD2Delphix5160HWv8 repository template create *> set repository=Target2/'/u01/app/oracle/product/'Delphix5160HWv8 repository template create *> set template=Container_TemplateDelphix5160HWv8 repository template create *> commitDelphix5160HWv8 repository template> lsObjectsNAME REPOSITORY CONTAINER TEMPLATEVPROD1_Target1_Template Target1/'/u01/app/oracle/product/' PROD1 Container_TemplateVPROD2_Target1_Template Target1/'/u01/app/oracle/product/' PROD2 Container_TemplateVPROD1_Target2_Template Target2/'/u01/app/oracle/product/' PROD1 Container_TemplateVPROD1_Target2_Template Target2/'/u01/app/oracle/product/' PROD2 Container_TemplateOperationscreateDelphix5160HWv8 repository template> As you can see, the label container on this case means Source PDB (production) and repository should be filled with the target repositories (dev/test). On template, we just need to add the template that we created on step 1, and we will be using the same in all our templates.
So every time we provision any VDB from those 2 dSources, we will be using this minimal templates instead of creating ones with production values that can cause problems.
Hope this helps!