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Manage SoftLinked Oracle Homes in Delphix

By Ganesh Sundaresan posted 08-29-2016 05:45:24 PM


Usually with SAP Environments, Oracle Homes are maintained and managed by creating Softlinks to the Physical Oracle Home Directories. In the oratab file, these SoftLinks are referenced for $ORACLE_HOME. Upon refresh of environments, Delphix will still not be able register these soft-linked Oracle Homes as they are not part of oraInventory. These has to be physically added to the Environment. Below are the steps

·       Go to Manage -> Environments

·       Click the correct environment.

·       Click on Databases on the top right hand side of the UI

·       Click on Add Dataset Home (+) icon.

·       Select Dataset Home Type – Oracle (This is will be default)

·       Under Installation Home – Type in SoftLink Oracle Home information (Eg: /oracle/QR3/112_64)

·       Click the Check mark.

