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Delphix End of Support Announcement for RHEL v4/v5 and AIX v5.3/v6.1 Environment Hosts

By Nicholas Mathison posted 05-15-2024 11:42:15 AM




We are reaching out to inform you that Delphix is deprecating Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) v4/v5 and IBM Advanced Interactive eXecutive (AIX) v5.3/v6.1 environments for Delphix Continuous Data Engine and all data source connectors on May 31st, 2024. These environment versions will reach the end of Primary Support, three months later, on August 31st, 2024, and then the end of Extended Support, 18 months later, on April 30, 2026.


We must regularly reevaluate our support matrices to continually advance our products. The selected environment versions have been out of support for several years. With this in mind, we will drop support for the following versions:


Environment  Versions

First Release

Final Release


Affected Delphix Continous Data Engine and Connector Versions


Feb 14, 2005

Feb 29, 2012




Mar 15, 2007

Mar 31, 2017


AIX v5.3

Jul 13, 2004

Apr 30, 2012


AIX v6.1

Nov 9, 2007

Apr 30, 2017



All Delphix Continuous Data Engines and data source connectors within their Primary Support lifecycle window will continue to be supported. However, if an underlying source, staging, or target environment is RHEL v4 or v5, Delphix Support will first ask you to upgrade to RHEL v6 or greater before we continue with triage. Similarly, if an underlying source, staging, or target environment is AIX v5.3 or v6.1, Delphix Support will first ask you to upgrade to AIX 7.1 or greater before we continue with triage. We will not provide Delphix Continuous Data Engine or data source connector fixes for older environments.

Click here for more information on Delphix’s support policy.


Customers may continue utilizing Delphix Continuous Data Engines or connectors that are certified against these deprecated environment versions. We will not force anyone to migrate to a newer version. However, support in future versions of engines and connectors is not guaranteed.


Customers who wish to maintain a formal support policy on these older database versions can purchase Delphix Legacy Support. This option entitles your organization to fixes for up to one additional year. 


If you need guidance on upgrading your database landscape, the Delphix services team can assist. 


Please contact your Delphix account team for more information if you have questions on any of the above items. Thank you for being a valued customer!



Delphix Product Management


Frequently Asked Questions


  • Why are you ending support for these environment versions? Why should I upgrade?

Supporting older environment versions limits Delphix’s ability to leverage new feature sets. By regularly ending support for older versions, we can ensure customers are maximizing their platform’s value. In addition, many of these versions contain severe and public security vulnerabilities. It is in our collective best interest to only support versions that are also supported by the vendor.


  • How do I know if I am using RHEL v4/v5 or AIX v5.3/v6.1?

Review your Delphix Continuous Data Engine’s environments tab for the RHEL or AIX operating systems. In Delphix Continuous Data Engine, navigate to Manage > Environments. The environment’s Operating System and version can be identified within the Details > Attributes section under the “OS” and “Version” properties.


  • What are my options?

    1. Do nothing. Do not upgrade the environment, database, connector, or engine. Leave the entire configuration set in a state that’s frozen in time. After August 31st, 2024, Delphix Support will provide Extended Support for 18 months until April 30th, 2026. 

    2. Delete all RHEL v4/v5 and AIX v5.3/v6.1 environments. The dependent dSources and VDBs will no longer function and should be deleted, too.

    3. Upgrade the RHEL v4/v5 and AIX v5.3/v6.1 environments to a supported version. Depending on compatibility, upgrading the environment might result in a cascading effect where upgrades of the database, connector, and Delphix Continuous Data Engine are also required. Consult the Delphix Continuous Data Engine documentation for more information.


  • What is the difference between Primary and Extended Support?

“Primary Support” means Delphix will accept inquiries and make commercially reasonable efforts to resolve customer-reported issues. When and if code changes are required, updates will be delivered in scheduled releases. 

“Extended Support” means Delphix will accept support inquiries for versions of the Software beyond the Primary Support period. Remediation requiring any product changes, including any new bug fixes, will require upgrading to a release in Primary Support. Inquiries will not lead to root cause analysis unless related to a known and documented issue relating to the Software. 

Products will enter “Extended Support” for up to eighteen (18) months after the Primary Support period has lapsed.

Learn more about Delphix Software Product Line Policies in KBA1003.

