You could use the dxtoolkit to create a script. [dxtoolkit is
You just need to download the executable version of the files (there's a zip file for Windows and one for Linux/Mac).
One you download and unzip the executables you then need to update the dxtools.config file with the details of your Delphix Engine.
After that it's a matter of checking the documentation and executing a command with appropriate parameters. Or you can download the source and modify to your needs.
For instance I can use the following command:
./dx_ctl_db -engine LandsharkEngine -name vdb21 -type vdb -action disable
to disable a VDB called "vdb21" on my Delphix Engine called "LandsharkEngine"
You can use the executable "dx_remove_db" to delete the VDB. See description below.
./dx_remove_db -help
SYNOPSIS [ -engine|d <delphix identifier> | -all ] < -group group_name | -name db_name | -host host_name | -type dsource|vdb >
[-force] [-skip] [ --help|? ] [ -debug ] [-parallel p]
Delete all database(s) selected by filter on selected engine(s)
Delphix Engine selection - if not specified a default host(s) from dxtools.conf will be used.
-engine|d Specify Delphix Engine name from dxtools.conf file
-all Display databases on all Delphix appliance
-group Group Name
-name Database Name
-host Host Name
-type Type (dsource|vdb)
-skip Skip confirmation
-force Force mode
-help Print this screen
-debug Turn on debugging