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  • 1.  grant privilege to a group of delphix users users

    Posted 05-26-2016 07:57:00 AM
    Hi, The mean idea of this question is to know if there is a way to grant the same privilege to a group or single object (vdb, dsource,vfile ..) to a group of delphix users istead of doing it user by user. Eg. if you have 10 users with the same profile and want them to gain the same role for a given vdb, you have to go and grant the privilege to each one (10 times the same operations). Is there any way to grant the privilege to a role and assigne the users to this role you will do the oeration only one time. Or, even if you have an AD branch with the specific users to grant the role to this branch. P.S : I can do it with some CLI scripting, but hope to get it in some clicks Regards, Mouhssine

  • 2.  RE: grant privilege to a group of delphix users users
    Best Answer

    Posted 05-26-2016 09:37:00 AM

    Effectively, your users have one of several roles they can be members of. But, what I think you are asking for, is policy-based assignment where you can define a set of roles and objects, and then ascribe users to those policies. We do not have that today, though we are discussing it. Your best option is to use a script, as you have already suggested, to automate permissions assignment.

  • 3.  RE: grant privilege to a group of delphix users users
    Best Answer

    Posted 05-26-2016 10:26:00 AM
    Hey Adam, You've got it right i'm looking for a kind policy-bases assignement. Will let know my customer about it and take some time to code it. Regards, Mouhssine